New to saltwater!


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I have been lurking here for a while, I think I posted once in a thread about black substrate. I feel like putting my setup out there. It't not perfect, so I will try and explain why some things are the way they are and admit to any screw ups that I am aware of.

A little background about me and about this project. I am 33 and have kept tanks, ponds, planted vases and other assorted things since I was about ten. I've had turtles, fish, frogs, shrimp, species tanks, community tanks, high tech tanks, low tech tanks and everything I could think of that interested me as far as freshwater goes. As for this project, it started when my 5 year old and I would go to one of our LFS to buy freshwater. She couldn't get away from the saltwater fish. We would go in for a cichlid of some variety or a school of something and she would lose interest and be glued to the marine stuff! I had always wanted a saltwater tank, but I never really looked into it much because I just figured it was a lot of work. Well now I had a reason to look a little closer, so I started researching. I got plugged in to a local group, I hounded my LFS, and I made contact with a few people who live near me. It took me about 6 months to do my research and gather my supplies, but its been a blast so far. My 5 year old helped my every step of the way. This tank is for her, so shes picked the fish and the colors while I have kinda focused more on inverts, CUC, and corals.

The tank is only three months old. I should have drilled two overflows, maybe 3, instead of one. I should have gone bigger than 3/4 inch plumbing. Also I got hold of the two nems I have on a bit of a whim. I got good deals on them, but I ultimately jumped into them. I know, shame on me. I hope they can survive in my newer tank and I plan to watch them very close. I've got a buddy that can hold them for me if they start looking to be in poor condition.

Picture Descriptions:

Overall Setup - 40B drilled, Current Marine LED, Generic Fan, Mag 5 Return pump, DIY stand, DIY plumbing, koralia power heads, trigger systems sump, black sand (dry), dry rock.

Overall DT

Overall Sump

Inadequate Skimmers - These just need to get me by a bit longer. A very gracious fellow fish keeper who lives near me just gave me a EuroReef 180 that just needs a tiny repair, which I am planning to complete tomorrow.

Just before the return. I used these little pot scrubber just to cut down on micro bubbles. I rinse them when I change filter socks. It isn't ideal, but it works for now.

Forgot I uploaded this one. A little 30x30x12 Frag tank I picked up. Its not in perfect condition, but not bad for $30.00! Not yet decided if I will actually keep it as a frag tank, as I am still new to the hobby. I may just set it up as a QT tank as needed. Then again I could do a shallow scape, DIY a spare 29g into a sump and use it as a grow out tank for corals and throw a little CUC in there. Who knows. Either way, it passed its leak test!

Green Star Polyps. I know. They Spread. A lot. I have them isolated on a rock in one of the front corners for now. Hoping they will behave and stay there.

Yellow Eyelash.

Valentines Day Massacre Zoa

Hollywood Stunner Chalice

Utter Chaos Zoa. This one is breaking my heart. It isn't opening up very well and I am so upset by that. It isn't melting, it just doesn't seem too happy. Any Ideas?

Rainbow BTA with one of my two Ocellaris photobombing.

Green and Purple Long Tentacle Nem.

Not pictured is some Pulsing Xenia that blew off its frag plug. God only knows where that sucker landed. Ugh.

As far as fish and other livestock, I dont have any pictures with me. I can tell you what I have though:
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
3 Bar Gobys (or Zebra Barred Dartfish or whatever you want to call them)
2 Peppermint Shrimp
10 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
10 assorted variety of snails.


I am new here and to saltwater! Its going OK so far, but I've made some rookie mistakes! Please ask questions and give advice, as I am more than happy to learn and take advice! Also... PICTURES!

EDIT : Adding a little better shot of the DT.

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Jason mack

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Welcome too R2R , i love Your rock scape .. dont fret .. Iam Sure we all make newbie misstakes .. Im still making them after 2 years in the hobby !!


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Welcome too R2R , i love Your rock scape .. dont fret .. Iam Sure we all make newbie misstakes .. Im still making them after 2 years in the hobby !!
Thank you! It came out better than I hoped it would, though I am stil not 100% happy. I am sure my freshwater aquascaping experience helped. That and looking at hundreds of pictures of tanks and trying to mimic my favorites.


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What are your current water parameters? Ca, kH, nitrates?

Ugh, dont burn me at the stake but I do not know on the Ca and kH, but last I checked (Monday) Nitrates were 0.

I only have the basic API test kit. I need to order something a little more advanced. I'd love suggestions on that as well as whatever feedback you can give pertaining to kH and CA levels.

EDIT: Oh and other parameters are Nitrites 0, PH 8.2, and Ammonia 0.

Simplicity Aquatics

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Back in my LFS ownership days I had a display tank with the black substrate, I battled low alkalinity for months before finally removing the sand, thus fixing the issue. Take note of your alkalinity and if you too cannot keep it in check I would point my finger at the sand.

Also, the GSP are probably fine but they will march across the sand. If you don't cut it back periodically it will reach the other rocks and then it will be blow torch time! (my favorite GSP eradication method ;))
Those yellow polyps aren't too much different than GSP in terms of taking over. I would only have them on an island as well unless you want them taking out other stuff down the road too.

Other than that, looks like a great start!


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Back in my LFS ownership days I had a display tank with the black substrate, I battled low alkalinity for months before finally removing the sand, thus fixing the issue. Take note of your alkalinity and if you too cannot keep it in check I would point my finger at the sand.

Also, the GSP are probably fine but they will march across the sand. If you don't cut it back periodically it will reach the other rocks and then it will be blow torch time! (my favorite GSP eradication method ;))
Those yellow polyps aren't too much different than GSP in terms of taking over. I would only have them on an island as well unless you want them taking out other stuff down the road too.

Other than that, looks like a great start!

Great feedback! I did fail to mention that the yellows are isolated as well. The Xenia WAS, but one morning as I was already running late for work I literally watched it come off the frag and float away. No problem, reach for my net and find the dog has chewed it. I am sure that wasnt the last I will see of it.

Also, I will order a alkalinity test kit. Thinking of going with the Red Sea one as it will net me kH, Ca, and Mg. I really appreciate the feedback. Perhaps I could do a deep sand bed of another sort of sand in the sump to help? Not sure if that would even make a difference.

Simplicity Aquatics

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Xenia actually doesn't travel well, so I think its probably more likely you will not see it again but I could be wrong!

I honestly have no idea what it is about the black sand that gave me the trouble. I am not a chemist so I don't know if it was a precipitation issue or absorption or what, I just know it didn't work for me. Hence I don't know if having aragonite in your sump would help or not, I would guess it would not.


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Here's the break in the protein skimmer... gonna take some tinkering but I think I can work something out. IMG_0476.JPG


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When hard corals grow, they extract Calcium and Alkalinity from the water to form their skeletons made of Calcium Carbonate . So Ca and Alk levels will drop in your tank if you have hard corals, coralline algae or snails. I keep my calcium over 400 and my alkalinity at 9. Since I have hard corals, I need to add Alk daily. Calcium has a larger reservoir so I add it about once or twice per week. Right now I am using 2 part. As my corals ramp up, I will probably switch to using automatic dosing.

Alk levels affect ph and if levels fall too far, things can get really bad. The API tests for Ca and Alk are quick and dirty and probably good enough for your purposes. Later you might want to switch to more precise tests like either Salifert or Red Sea Pro.

By the way, your set up looks good. You have decent looking equipment. You also have shown restraint in stocking. It looks like you are off to a good start.


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When hard corals grow, they extract Calcium and Alkalinity from the water to form their skeletons made of Calcium Carbonate . So Ca and Alk levels will drop in your tank if you have hard corals, coralline algae or snails. I keep my calcium over 400 and my alkalinity at 9. Since I have hard corals, I need to add Alk daily. Calcium has a larger reservoir so I add it about once or twice per week. Right now I am using 2 part. As my corals ramp up, I will probably switch to using automatic dosing.

Alk levels affect ph and if levels fall too far, things can get really bad. The API tests for Ca and Alk are quick and dirty and probably good enough for your purposes. Later you might want to switch to more precise tests like either Salifert or Red Sea Pro.

By the way, your set up looks good. You have decent looking equipment. You also have shown restraint in stocking. It looks like you are off to a good start.

I am gonna go ahead and order the Red Sea kit for all, CA, and mg. Thanks for your advice and kind words!


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Well last night my long tentacle nem was getting a little too close to my bubble tip. I've heard horror stories of nems eating each other, and since the 20 dollar LTA is twice the size of my 60 dollar BTA, I didn't want to risk any funny business. I went ahead and moves him back to the opposite side of the tank. They had both been in the tank for a number of days and I hadn't given them anything to nibble on, and my clowns aren't hosting either one so far, so I made up some DIY food. Raw shrimp, seachem vitality, phytoplankton, and a little tank water in each cube. I can split a cube between them once a week or so, maybe even less. As a bonus I made shrimp fried rice for dinner with the rest of the shrimp I had!

Also, I used a smaller hose to bridge the gap between my euroreef 180 skimmer and it's pump from a break. The skimmer and pump were free, and are a major upgrade to what I had going so I wanted to make it work. Well the tubing I used was a bit to small and I had micro bubbles EVERYWHERE. So I went back and thickened the tube with some teflon tape. It's not perfect, but it is a decent temporary fix until I can figure something a little better out!

Cheers and happy weekend to you all! Hoping my tank survives in my wife's care while I am on shift at the firehouse for 48 hours over the weekend!

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Caption This Contest OFFICIAL VOTING POLL! (make a post in this thread and you could win a prize too)

  • "What do you mean?! I am smiling!

  • "Did she really just rejoin the ReefAholics Anonymous group...AGAIN?!"

  • "Take a look at the new Sexy Shrimp!"

  • "I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clownfish? I amuse you?"

  • "Looks like your living room is going through the ugly stage"

  • "Aghhh! Go put on your makeup before feeding me, please!"

  • "You try eating sand and not get constipated!"

  • "Everyone, hide! The landlord is coming!"

  • "He touched the butt!"

  • "They forgot to shut off the RO line and left for work...AGAIN"

  • "Get off my sand!"

  • "What do you mean I can't say that on a family friendly forum?"

  • "My face looking over my bank statement after a reef show..."

  • "Kids, you're grounded! Get back in my mouth!"

  • "When you see a human with a bucket and know somethings is about to go down."

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