Reefing Saved My Life!

Pros: Honesty and Hope
Cons: The reality and poor treatment given to those who choose to serve and protect the rest.
A cliched but heartfelt response. Thanks for your article and your service.
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Thank you. Hoping it helps others.
Pros: Comforting to know that i’m not alone looking to this hobby as a way to deal with my demons and triggers from my army career.
Cons: None
I’ve just bought a tank and the equipment with the hopes that this hobby can help me with my triggers as well. Setting everything up has been hard so far because my brain damage from too many concussions fuel my ptsd. I just fear that i’ll set it up badly and cause more harm then calmness and relief
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Feel free to reach out at any time for help with your tank. Once we have it running right, use it as a distraction for unwelcome thoughts.

I hope I can help you when you need help.

Pros: True story and a harsh reality.
Cons: None that I can see...
Everyone that is in the hobby can relate to this. We all have problems and some are more difficult than others, but everyone of us loves to sit in front of the tank and enjoy. Even if just for a moment it is very relaxing and helps relieve the stress and "forget" the problems. Of course they don´t disappear, we can only hope they go away...
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Reactions: Bruce17 and Dorinda
Better than yoga!
Pros: Honesty, and glad this was written.
Cons: None
There are many modalities to coping with PTSD, reefing is a fantastic way to get "out of one's head'. Thank tou for writing this article. It helped me as well.
Pros: A personal story from a true American hero is always welcome.
Cons: The article didn’t say where to buy the t-shirt. If it was a one off, I would suggest offering it for sale with proceeds going to support the vets..
Thank you for sharing and keeping reefing personal. IMO that’s what keeps it going.
I agree completely. I also have a deeper friendship with those in the hobby. So much to relate to.
Pros: Relatable, well written
Cons: None
Completely relatable.
Great article. Thank you for your service.
Pros: Open and honest
Thank you for sharing such a difficult aspect of your life! Finding inner peace is no easy matter and you seem to have found a fantastic way of dealing with those demons.
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Reactions: HunterW and ReefRy
Pros: Simple, to the point, easily relatable.
Cons: None.
Well written, not overly wordy or complex. The T Shirt picture at the end wraps up the entire thesis well.
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Thanks Josh! I did not want to make it too long and lose people. That is why I would like to continue this as a series or articles.
Pros: Being strong enough, brave enough to speak out. Excellently written
Cons: None
Thank you for being a voice when for so many years we are told to suck it up and move on. We did our duties, and now, as your well spoken article says, we cope. We are not fine or ok, we cope. All day, every day. Thank you for sharing.
Brother, It is a knife fight every day for me. There is not a single day that I do not get triggered. Coping is how I get by and my reef has been the best tool for that. That and an extremely supportive wife and family. I could not live without them supporting me (literally would not be alive).
Well written and enlightening article. Thank you for your service and I hope your tank continues to reflect your care.
Pros: Great, moving and well written article. It will help others with the same or similar conditions.
Cons: None
I think many people, including myself, can relate to what you've gone through and how reefing has helped them. I know that I have experienced similar benefits of reefing. I wish you the best on your journey and feel solace that you're helping others.
Pros: Heartfelt and moving
Cons: None
Thank you for opening up to us, and sharing your story. I wish you continued peace.
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Reactions: ReefRy and Gonzo74
Awesome article. I'm glad you were able to find something to bring you some relief.

I grew up in a community with a fair number of WW2 vets and got to know some of them fairly well. They all suffered to some degree and never really talked about their experiences.

Kudos to you for sharing a little bit.
Pros: As real as it gets. I could relate as I too use my tanks to distract and find relief from the medical situation that has me at home for periods at a time.
Cons: None except that it happened to you.
This was a very touching and relatable story. Your honesty and frankness were refreshing as well as your humbleness. Thanks for giving me something else to relate to in this hobby. It lets me know I'm not the only one. Different seat - same canoe/creek.
Pros: Thank you for this!
Cons: none
I honestly cried hard reading this. I totally get it. I'm dealing with a parent with dementia which is nothing compared with PTSD, but I can so relate. This hobby can help so much with these things...Bravo in writing it!
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Reactions: ReefRy and Gonzo74
Great article and explanation. I recently got my mom a freshwater turtle tank because part of her problem was she was no longer able to be the caretaker of the family and our roles became reversed...She has ptsd from a car accident and has been in and out of the hospital/surgeries for over 3 years. Her turtles not only give her something to care for but they are also a huge distraction for her which was really needed. Good luck
Pros: Honest, well written, factual and detailed.
Outstanding article! It would be great if we could make it available to PTSD victims outside our community. Looking forward to your follow-up. How do I get a t-shirt?
I wish I could take credit for the T-shirt.

I share this information all the time with various Vet outreach programs. I have gotten some vets into the hobby and they all feel the same way that I do.