
  1. hexcolor reef


    I’ve been having issues with getting my Acantho coral to open up fully. I fed it a big block of frozen mysis shrimp a month ago and it’s been down hill from that moment on. The feeders no longer come out, I found orange slime which some call a sponge growing on its skeleton. It wasn’t on my...
  2. Acro76

    All Scolymia and Acanthophyllia Corals 30% off now until Monday!

    Check them out on the site here: https://cherrycorals.com/product-category/lps-corals/scolymia-and-cynarina/
  3. Acro76

    Awesome Acanthophyllia @Cherry Corals!

    WYSIWYG, well conditioned here at Cherry Corals! These stunning Acanthophyllia open up to 4″+. Ships in a triple bagged 6″ square bottom bag, protected by a cup so your coral will look awesome when you receive it! Check them out here...