algae on glass

  1. R

    calcium consumption stopped, alkalinity consumption increased, and algae growth

    Greetings! I’m generally just a lurker, and I don’t usually post. But I’ve run into an issue that I’m not sure how to handle, and I wanted to see if the crowd here might have some good ideas. Background I have a 75 gal reef tank (probably around 80 gallons total volume). The tank has been...
  2. C

    How often are you guys scraping your glass?

    How often do you guys scrape your glass? It seems like I scrape my glass every 2-3 days. Would it be prudent to pick up some snails or just keep scraping?
  3. Max Rackstraw

    Tiny algae on the glass

    The other day i noticed these tiny green/brown strands of what i assume to be algae on the glass of my new tank under only the lit up side (one side does not have a light over it yet). The tank has been running for almost exactly one month in total and only 6 days with a light on one side...