
  1. nycfreshreef

    Help with Goni not opening I am stumped

    Hey guys , I am completely stumped & have tried literally everything I can think of , if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I hate to lose this coral I got from Unique Corals that cost over $500 Background: UC Amazeballs Goniopora purchased from unique corals several months ago ...
  2. ACF930

    Live Goods SOLD Bkchem Jolly Rancher Holy Grail, UC Amazeballs Gonis and CG Yellow Mellow Gonis

    Bkchem Jolly Rancher Holy Grail, UC Amazeballs and CG Yellow Mellow Gonis healed up and ready to go. I purchased the Jolly Rancher directly from Bkchem. All have been growing well in my tank for years. Shipping $45 overnight Reviews from my previous sales...
  3. spencerfe2010

    1st Time & Not The Last!

    This is the kind of customer service that will keep me coming back. First time purchasing form Cultivated Reef and from the first step of purchasing to the last step of delivery... It was so easy and so amazing. I thought I messed up and was missing a box, emailed, and got a phone call within...
  4. Paul Kachirsky

    USA WTB WTB Amazeballz Goni Frag

    Please let me know if you have any and ship. Thanks.