Help with Goni not opening I am stumped


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Hey guys , I am completely stumped & have tried literally everything I can think of , if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I hate to lose this coral I got from Unique Corals that cost over $500


UC Amazeballs Goniopora purchased from unique corals several months ago , never really opened

Since the day I received this frag it never opened more than 30% or so , for the first month it would do this cycle where it wpuld
Open about 30% one day , then about 15% the next day , then the 3rd day completely closed. This cycle would then repeat itself over and over again , open a little , barely open , closed , every 3 days

Recently it stopped opening alltogether and has not extended anything in over a week now

I have 7 other gonis in
The system that are thriving and super happy , this is the only one im
Having issues with.

I have recently done a Lugols dip but it has not helped at all, I have tried feeding everything from aminos , reef roids, goni power, oyster feast , etc

Have had him in low light , low flow , to
Moderate light moderate flow

I’m afraid it may be dieing … if anyone had any suggestions please let me know , UC Amazeballs is one of my favorite corals I would really hate to loose it but at this point I am completely stumped and frustrated,

7B08805C-216E-45F3-AA51-B672321E6461.jpeg 0CD9DEC1-F831-498C-BCED-4CD41CB8896F.jpeg 16F6EF64-C98A-4554-9D6E-1519BD969C3E.jpeg 62041E1B-8712-4528-9EB2-50B856780D4D.jpeg


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I watched a video on YouTube "Parkers Reef." He interviewed a guy with a huge tank full of gonis. He was having the same issue, but discovered manganese, not magnesium. He began dosing and all of his gonis are huge and overgrown in his tank. Might work for you. Hope it helps.

Miami Reef

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I watched a video on YouTube "Parkers Reef." He interviewed a guy with a huge tank full of gonis. He was having the same issue, but discovered manganese, not magnesium. He began dosing and all of his gonis are huge and overgrown in his tank. Might work for you. Hope it helps.

Do you know the timestamp when he speaks about the goniopora issues? I am having a similar issue with a few Goniopora coral.


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Hey guys , I am completely stumped & have tried literally everything I can think of , if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I hate to lose this coral I got from Unique Corals that cost over $500


UC Amazeballs Goniopora purchased from unique corals several months ago , never really opened

Since the day I received this frag it never opened more than 30% or so , for the first month it would do this cycle where it wpuld
Open about 30% one day , then about 15% the next day , then the 3rd day completely closed. This cycle would then repeat itself over and over again , open a little , barely open , closed , every 3 days

Recently it stopped opening alltogether and has not extended anything in over a week now

I have 7 other gonis in
The system that are thriving and super happy , this is the only one im
Having issues with.

I have recently done a Lugols dip but it has not helped at all, I have tried feeding everything from aminos , reef roids, goni power, oyster feast , etc

Have had him in low light , low flow , to
Moderate light moderate flow

I’m afraid it may be dieing … if anyone had any suggestions please let me know , UC Amazeballs is one of my favorite corals I would really hate to loose it but at this point I am completely stumped and frustrated,

7B08805C-216E-45F3-AA51-B672321E6461.jpeg 0CD9DEC1-F831-498C-BCED-4CD41CB8896F.jpeg 16F6EF64-C98A-4554-9D6E-1519BD969C3E.jpeg 62041E1B-8712-4528-9EB2-50B856780D4D.jpeg
This is stressed and not yet in trouble. Often best location is lower third with medium water flow and addition of manganese and aminos and moderate light
The idea is to keep sediment off off of them and not provide aggressive water movement which is similar with euphyllia coral


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I can't keep goniapora alive. I thought it was because they were wild harvested but aquacultured ones die as well. I have 3 seperate systems running and bought 4 cultured goni and have one left but it hasn't opened in weeks so I'm writing it off. Didn't matter what tank I placed them in they just die within a month or two. I just add them to the list of corals that I can't keep and move on to something else. Sucks because I love the colors available and the movement of a nice colony.

Miami Reef

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I can't keep goniapora alive. I thought it was because they were wild harvested but aquacultured ones die as well. I have 3 seperate systems running and bought 4 cultured goni and have one left but it hasn't opened in weeks so I'm writing it off. Didn't matter what tank I placed them in they just die within a month or two. I just add them to the list of corals that I can't keep and move on to something else. Sucks because I love the colors available and the movement of a nice colony.
For me, some do very well and some are retracted. I dose iron and manganese, but I’m at a loss. Everything else on paper is correct (Nutrients, flow, lighting, ca, alk, mag).

I haven’t been doing much water changes lately. I also stopped dosing tropic Marin K+

Some goniopora used to be much more open. Others are completely retracted most if the time.

Miami Reef

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Start at 56minutes in.
Thank you! That’s exactly what I experienced: they did well for about 6 months before receding. I haven‘t lost any yet, but some are not doing well.

I only dose some manganese once a week. I’m definitely under dosing. I’m going to make a fresh batch and dose every 2 days. I hope this will make a difference.

Thanks for the timestamp. :)


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Manganese important for gonis, ime.
I dose kent marine essential elements weekly.


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I just happened upon this video over this passed weekend. Amazeballs are the goni I would like to get, but have always heard gonis don't make it long. Let me know if you have a good experience with it. Maybe I'll pull the trigger on some.


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

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  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

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  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

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  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

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  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

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  • Other (please explain!)

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