This is it. My last build thread


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This is the third time I've started a build thread so we'll see if I succeed. The first one my badge disappeared so I did another and sure enough my badge disappeared again. I didn't bother restoring the badges because I figured it was punishment for me being so poor at updating the threads :thinking-face: I'll try to do better this time but no promises ;) If this one disappears I'll take that as a sign.

New Tank is a Waterbox LX 330.7 I was going to go custom with a basement sump but decided I really didn't feel like doing the plumbing plus I'm getting tired of running up and down the stairs, sump is currently in the basement. I went with Waterbox because I was able to get the exact size I wanted. I really wanted at least 7ft of length and especially wanted the 30 inch front to back depth. The total height is more than I wanted but it was compromise or go full custom.

I want to keep my rodi storage and mixing station in the basement so figuring out how to keep that there and get water to the first floor will be part of the build. I'll be transferring most of the stuff from my 180g to the new tank. I'll do a full equipment list later.

Current tank that will be replaced

Delivery day

In with the stand. I was able to use the tractor to get it level with the entry way and slide it into the house and up onto a couple of furniture dollies. Rolled it into position and lifted it off. Easy peasy.

Time for the sump. Did it the same as the stand, up and in. Man I love the salesman that suggested adding the forks when I bought the tractor.

We set the tank today but didn't get pics. I had to help get it in and my Gal stayed in the bedroom. She said she couldn't stand to watch :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: I hired a moving company to move the tank. First time in my life I've paid anyone to move anything. It was hard as I'm a do it yourself and usually do it alone kind of guy. I wish I would have hired laborers and ran the job myself. I wanted to bring it in the same as the stand and sump using the tractor sliding it in onto dollies then roll it to the stand and lift it on. Boss man wanted to lift into the house and it took all 5 of them and myself to do it. 604lbs ya I would have opted for the tractor but they were in charge. The door opening was 31" and tank 29.5" so it was tight but we made it in unscathed and up onto the stand. My arms are sore today.

After everyone left my Gal came out. Her first statement "wow it's big" :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: It is big and makes the 180g look small. It's amazing how much difference the extra 6" of depth makes. I'm looking forward to scaping this. The tangs are gonna love the extra swim space.

Sump is in the stand now onto plumbing. You can see the two electrical outlets I added. I ran a dedicated circuit on its own breaker and attached the outlets to the wall, one outside on the end toward the corner and the second where I can reach it from inside the stand.

Leveled. I used a 4ft bubble level but really didn't have 100% confidence as the bubbles are a little hard for me to see. I added about 3/4" of tap water and checked the waterline. Nice and level.

Plumbing in and doors are on.
Next up to get lumber and build a beam and shore up the joists.
The tank is sitting perpendicular to the floor joists and the back almost on top of the house center beam. It would probably be fine but I already have two extra pole jacks so I'm going to build and run a support beam parallel to the center beam about 24" away which will give plenty of support I think.
More to follow.

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This is the third time I've started a build thread so we'll see if I succeed. The first one my badge disappeared so I did another and sure enough my badge disappeared again. I didn't bother restoring the badges because I figured it was punishment for me being so poor at updating the threads :thinking-face: I'll try to do better this time but no promises ;) If this one disappears I'll take that as a sign.

New Tank is a Waterbox LX 330.7 I was going to go custom with a basement sump but decided I really didn't feel like doing the plumbing plus I'm getting tired of running up and down the stairs, sump is currently in the basement. I went with Waterbox because I was able to get the exact size I wanted. I really wanted at least 7ft of length and especially wanted the 30 inch front to back depth. The total height is more than I wanted but it was compromise or go full custom.

I want to keep my rodi storage and mixing station in the basement so figuring out how to keep that there and get water to the first floor will be part of the build. I'll be transferring most of the stuff from my 180g to the new tank. I'll do a full equipment list later.

Current tank that will be replaced

Delivery day

In with the stand. I was able to use the tractor to get it level with the entry way and slide it into the house and up onto a couple of furniture dollies. Rolled it into position and lifted it off. Easy peasy.

Time for the sump. Did it the same as the stand, up and in. Man I love the salesman that suggested adding the forks when I bought the tractor.

We set the tank today but didn't get pics. I had to help get it in and my Gal stayed in the bedroom. She said she couldn't stand to watch :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: I hired a moving company to move the tank. First time in my life I've paid anyone to move anything. It was hard as I'm a do it yourself and usually do it alone kind of guy. I wish I would have hired laborers and ran the job myself. I wanted to bring it in the same as the stand and sump using the tractor sliding it in onto dollies then roll it to the stand and lift it on. Boss man wanted to lift into the house and it took all 5 of them and myself to do it. 604lbs ya I would have opted for the tractor but they were in charge. The door opening was 31" and tank 29.5" so it was tight but we made it in unscathed and up onto the stand. My arms are sore today.

After everyone left my Gal came out. Her first statement "wow it's big" :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: It is big and makes the 180g look small. It's amazing how much difference the extra 6" of depth makes. I'm looking forward to scaping this. The tangs are gonna love the extra swim space.

Sump is in the stand now onto plumbing. You can see the two electrical outlets I added. I ran a dedicated circuit on its own breaker and attached the outlets to the wall, one outside on the end toward the corner and the second where I can reach it from inside the stand.

Leveled. I used a 4ft bubble level but really didn't have 100% confidence as the bubbles are a little hard for me to see. I added about 3/4" of tap water and checked the waterline. Nice and level.

Plumbing in and doors are on.
Next up to get lumber and build a beam and shore up the joists.
The tank is sitting perpendicular to the floor joists and the back almost on top of the house center beam. It would probably be fine but I already have two extra pole jacks so I'm going to build and run a support beam parallel to the center beam about 24" away which will give plenty of support I think.
More to follow.

I did the same when my 150 Tall Reef Tank was upstairs. I used a beam and floor jacks. I don’t this that I needed to do this but peace of mind is a good thing. Enjoying your build.


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Do you have a perspective equipment list yet? Lights, pumps, ATO, reactors etc

I'll start a list of equipment below
This is going to be epic. I look forward to following.

Epic is setting the bar a bit high ;)

I'll shoot for mildly entertaining with hopefully a tidbit of useful information.


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I'll start a list of equipment below

Epic is setting the bar a bit high ;)

I'll shoot for mildly entertaining with hopefully a tidbit of useful information.
Ok, if that helps you sleep at night! I’m sticking with epic.


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Definatly not epic lol
EDIT 5/12/24
Equipment List (I'll update as I progress)
Stuff coming over from the 180

Six Noopsyche K7 pro III lights.

6 MP40s did some shuffling around in other tanks to get 2 more. Four Mp40s

Dicided not to run a skimmer Reef Octo Classic INT 200 skimmer
Running a cryptic refugium instead

New equipment (will update as I go)
Jecod DCP 15000 return pump
Inkbird 306A heat controller
Heaters - two Eheim Jager 300 Watt.
Kamoer ATO One 2
Surf 4 ATS with 2 Danner AP 4 air pumps.
Aquamaxx sigma 2 reactor for carbon.
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Floor is reinforced. It was a fun time. I normally fly solo so getting the beam up on the pole jacks and in position was fun. It only toppled over once. The only real mishap was leaving the hammer on the top step of the ladder and it fell on my head when I moved the ladder. I can be such a dork sometimes. At least I keep my Gal entertained. I used two 2x10x8s glued and nailed to make the beam. The back side of the tank is sitting directly on top of the center beam of the house and I placed this beam 28" from the center beam so it should be plenty strong for the weight.



It's holds water, yay!
Filled with tap water and ran the return for a while. I have a couple of small leaks from the plumbing but I know what to do to fix it. Getting to the plumbing in the overflow is a long reach so I'm going to have to drag it away from the wall to be able to fix things so I'll do that after I drain the tap water out. I want to let it sit full for a couple of days then recheck the level once it settles.

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Today the kids and I went out to the shop and played with the rocks. This is how it started

This is how it ended. They can only take so much of my jibber jabber. I talk to them constantly, much just thinking out loud. They have no clue what I'm saying most of the time but they love the sound of my voice, its relaxing :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:

Oh wait! I'm sorry we're supposed to be talking reef tanks.

I came up with this creation.
We've been talking about what to do with the big patch of gsp on the back wall of the 180. I thought right here in this circle. My Gal said it would be a good place for the derasa. Now I'm wondering can I lay a big patch of gsp down and just put the clam on top? They are already under similar lighting :thinking-face: Have to look into that.
Figure I could frag some of my older hardier branching SPS and circle around on the rocks with something nice that likes light at the high point.
I woke up in the middle of the night wondering how I would keep detritus from settling here. Now I'm having second thoughts. Maybe I can remove some rock so it's not a full circle. We'll see, this is part of the fun.

I came up with this little island thingy and thought it would make a nice place for a zoa garden. I could never grow zoas for years. Now I have some fighting for survival amongst the palys. I haven't added zoas since I don't even remember . These guys must have just been surviving in dark somewhere. I have had paly grandis live for over a year in a dark brute with no heat. They looked pitiful but bounced back. Maybe now is the time to try zoas again?


At the end of the day I just piled all of the rock up that was laying around to get it out of the way. Studied it for a while and thought hmm, might be a place to construct an eel habitat. I had a zebra moray once that was awesome. It was over 30" when it passed. A dang little bitty picaso trigger started pestering it and the eel stopped eating :crying-face:


Most of this stuff will be coming over. It's exciting but scary. The bubble coral is my oldest piece and is almost the size of a soccer ball when fully inflated. Maybe I'll chicken out and just leave the 180 running and start new on the waterbox. Momma didn't look too happy when I threw that out there :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:
I have mixed feeling about the nems but I think I've kept them long enough. I have one I need to get out now that moved right in the middle of a group of monti.




If you've read this far I thank you. This thread will contain a lot of old guy ramblings and thinking out loud ;)

To be continued........


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The only real mishap was leaving the hammer on the top step of the ladder and it fell on my head when I moved the ladder
Welcome to my world.
Hammers, impact driver, even my pneumatic nail gun, which I was particularly proud of being I could see the hose right in front of me.


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Why not diy a clam cradle? Magnetic or glue it
Glueing clams is a no no. I have two maximas attached to rocks that I can move so they are good. My derasa is on the bottom and the one I'm trying trying to find a spot for. I'm not putting any sand in this tank so looking for options. It's getting pretty big and may not even be attach any longer, haven't checked lately. I've read that when they get large enough their weight keeps them in place.
EDIT : I think I misunderstood and you meant glue the cradle. Sorry :face-with-hand-over-mouth:


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 12.9%