ammonia burn

  1. ajtomase

    acclimate new fish (bag has ammonia blockers)

    I'll be getting the first clownfish for my tank from someone who is quarantining them for me and they informed me they ship their fish in water between 1.024-1.026 and has ammonia blockers in the bag. I know that when I open the bag, the increase of oxygen will raise the pH which will also raise...
  2. ajtomase

    New fish acclimation (w/ammonia blockers)

    I'll be getting the first clownfish for my tank from someone who is quarantining them for me and they informed me they ship their fish in water between 1.024-1.026 and has ammonia blockers in the bag. I know that when I open the bag, the increase of oxygen will raise the pH which will also raise...
  3. jackalexander

    Online Fish Acclimation

    I have heard some crazy ideas for acclimating fish that have been on long journeys to our homes such as using soda stream carbonation to match the pH in order to reduce the risk of gill burn after introducing O2 to the bag. What would be the simplest method (besides dripping) for acclimating a...
  4. 96Duck

    EMERGENCY Kole tang Bacterial infection???

    Hey there, I recently added a kole tang into my 5ft display tank with 3 other tangs (sailfin, powder blue, blue hippo). Fish looked fine prior to being introduced but within 1hour he now has face markings that looks to be from some form of disease/ infection/ fungi. He also has a few white...
  5. Elgringodiablo

    Treating Ammonia Burns/Poisoning - Bandit Angel

    So, 3 weeks into QTing my Bandit Angel, I noticed he wasn't eating much and hiding the other day. Yesterday I found him laying on his side breathing heavily. I was doing 25% water changes twice a week, but likely overfed and resulted in some ammonia (about 0.2 according to the red sea test)...