choosing an lfs

  1. SlugSnorter

    LFS long island

    Ive been looking for an LFS on long Island, Ive been going to pro reef aquatics and think their pretty good (clean tanks, helpful staff that didn't try and get me to by stuff I didn't need) but I am a new reefer and dont perfectly know what to look for price-wise and such.
  2. Kilroy

    Need to find a LFS

    Hey All, I finally have finished my cycle and am ready to add a fish! Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is about 6. I have a handful of snails for CUC but would like to get a Royal Gramma (starting slow). I ordered one from LiveAquaria but it arrived this morning dead. I am pretty bummed...
  3. Choosing an LFS or "Local Fish Store"

    Beginner Topic Choosing an LFS or "Local Fish Store"

    One of the first things that new members of the forum will learn is that we generally advise new aquarists not to rely solely on what their LFS* tells them. Note: LFS is a reef acronym for "local fish store" or the store where you can buy aquarium supplies for your saltwater tank. Sometimes...