dieing coral

  1. N

    What is happening to my torch?

    Context: 3 gallon aio Only other corals are a small Duncan. Had in there since may and he was doing great opens up every day and looked amazing. Then I wake up this morning and I see this. One of the head is just gone. Bear with me I am new to the hobby but is it just closed or completely dead...
  2. R

    Coral help

    Around 2 weeks ago my completely healthy large wall hammer as well as one of my three torch corals started a slow decline. I assumed it was water quality due to a the fact my rodi filters were due to be replaced but after replacing them the quality for the corals mentioned only declined. I...
  3. Spammie33

    Seasons greeting montipora

    My montipora is dieing. What can i do to help?