
  1. Nanolifeuk

    How do I maintain a coral only tank?

    i would like to start another tank, coral only, and maybe introduce some fish later down the line. Do I Cycle w/ dr Tim’s fishless , water change then go straight in with coral? I know people can battle for weeks to lower nitrates. Do I ghost feed/ feed coral food/ dose nitrates back in after...
  2. melbournedan

    waterbox 15gal peninsula - cycle thoughts

    WaterBox 15gal Peninsula running for just over a week, bare bottom, with dry Liferock branch’s, half a box of nano tech bio spheres (1/2 a kilogram), Dr tim’s one and only, ammonium chloride keeping ammonia at 2ppm, 27-28 degrees celsius, salinity at 1.020-1.021. how are these results looking ...
  3. DownUnderAqua

    Aquarium Systems (Dr Tim) - Start Your Tank

    Hey all, I’m about to cycle my new tank for the first time using Dr Tims Aquarium Systems - Start Your Tank. Reading the instructions it says to add fish/coral on day 2… I’m sure the store will have what we’re after in time. I’d like to get a jump on the cycle. Ideally we can start...
  4. S

    Mixing starter bacteria Dr. Tim's & Bio-Spira

    I set up an Fluval EVO 13.5 with 15 lbs dry rock and 18 lbs CaribSea Arag-Alive Live Aragonite Reef Sand. I'm using Seachem Matrix for Bio Media. I added a full bottle of Dr. Tim's Aquatics One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, dosed with Dr. Tim's Aquatics Ammonium Chloride but the ammonia...
  5. Gogol_frag

    Bio Pellet Reactors, Purple Non Sulphur Bacteria, Protein Skimmers

    Hi y'all, I want to lower the nitrates in my 1 month old, 170G sumpless reef, which are still consistently showing up as 10-15 ppm. As such, I am getting a bio-pellet reactor. Being a biopellet noob, I have the following questions, and was wondering if y'all have any experience in the matter...
  6. Anthrilliel

    Tank is not cycling?

    Hello everyone, My tank does not appear to be cycling. I have a 20 gallon with 20 lbs of carib sea life rock, 20 pounds of carib sea live sand. I am running an aquaclear 30 with a stone and bio rings in. I added one bottle of dr. Tim's one and only then added the ammonium chloride. I...
  7. Z

    Best way to get rid of green hair algae?

    Starting to get a little out break so I thought I figure out how everyone else deals with this.
  8. lennywee

    Build Thread New red sea reefer 350 Build

    Reefing Newbie here! Watched countless hours of BRStv before deciding to take the plunge. Finally after having the tank built and sitting dry for 3 months (went out of town to quarantine with family), I've put water in the tank and started a fishless cycle using Dr Tim's one and only...
  9. MarineDepot

    Good Tidings from DrTim's

    Good Tidings from DrTim's The Fifth Day of Fishmas