eunice worm

  1. F

    Looking for a Eunice aphroditois

    Hey I've been fascinated by these worms for about a year now and I'm finally wanting to get serious about finding one or two (my best friend also loves them, we are going to name our worms Nyx and Styx from Greek mythology) I know that species ID can be a problem so if at all possible I would...
  2. 4theluvofcoral

    California 8"-9" Purple Eunice/Bobbit Worm For Free

    I found a 8-9 inch purple colored Bobbit worm in my 125 gallon just a moment ago and was wondering if someone, by chance, would want one? I know some people set up tanks for them and he hasn't been a nuisance in my reef tank but was quite surprised when I found him. I know they have a bad...