exposed skeleton

  1. L

    Skeleton Flesh Slowly Receding

    I have 3 LPS corals currently, and all of them are slowly losing flesh along their sides, but seem to show no ill effects. I JUST received this NY Knicks torch. It acclimated almost immediately and looks awesome, but you can clearly see where the flash has gone up in ONE day. I also have this...
  2. G

    Torch coral dying?

    Hello all, just curious if the skeleton on my torch is supposed to look like this at night when closed up or is something wrong?
  3. Afkomjorgen

    Frogspawn Exposed skeleton!

    Hello! We noticed that the skeleton is exposed on one side of our frogspawn! We got this frogspawn about 2 weeks ago. It has been looking good. Coming out every day & coloring up. We noticed the exposed skeleton today when the wave maker was on. It looks like it’s being ripped off it’s...
  4. A

    Candy cane coral dying skeleton exposed

    Hello, I have 3 candy cane corals in my tank. The flesh on one of them has steadily been receding over the past few weeks. Now most of the skeleton is exposed with very little flesh left, I realize that this one might be beyond saving. The other 2 candy cane corals have been doing fine until...
  5. B

    Torch skeleton

    Hi, I just noticed a small potion of the skeleton of torch is showing, I believe this is bad sign? Anything I can do to help her?
  6. noobreefer2

    Hammer receding because of algae, thoughts?

    Hey everyone, I have had a hammer in my tank a little over 6 months, that hasn't grown much, but has stayed healthy for the most part. But a few months ago, I had a severe outbreak of chrysophytes, that was irritating and killing some stony corals. This coral looked fine for the most part: But...