fish catching

  1. sdreef

    Method for Quickly Catching Difficult Fish Out of a Large Reef Tank with a Net

    There are several techniques for catching a fish out of a reef tank. None of them are perfect or work equally for all fish, and many require time and patience. I have a 330 gallon mixed reef that's about 16 months old. In the past year, there have been a couple occasions where I've needed to...
  2. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Brookynella and i can’t catch the firefish

    several fish has started dying and i think it is brook. I got it from a mandarin i got. Of course i just plopped it in and thought everything will go fine. Well 3 fish died and now only 2 clowns and a firefish is left. The clowns are in horrible condition, still eating but skin is slouching off…...
  3. Isaac Swanagan

    Handling fish with your bare hands?

    Hello all, I’m having a debate with my coworkers at a fish store. What is the preferred method of transferring fish? Your bare wet hands or a net? Is difference on the impact of the slime coat for these different methods large? Please give me your opinion and the more sources the better. Thank you