jb"s mushroom

  1. A

    Texas JB mushroom GMK LSOH Zoas

    Got these following JB mushroom and Zoas for sale. 3 color JB mushroom 400$ Candy Crush 250$ GB GMK 400$ pp, Got 29 head avalible Little Shop of Horror 250$ PP Sakura Yuma 200$ got 5 Buyer Pay Shipping Fexdex or UPS next day 10:30AM Please text 917 355 9230 if need faster...
  2. K

    Alabama Cornbred Rainbow Chalice, Acantho, JBs, Red Devils, & More

    Hello! Thinning out some corals so I can redo my rock work. That said, shipping a flat $45; I'll eat the cost if more, via UPS Next Day Air AM. 2 hour DOA. Contiguous USA only. I've shipped a large number of items. SOLD Scoly $200. About 4" across. It is much lager, fatter than it appears...
  3. Reefboy1

    LOOK! Black Friday!! high end corals!! Elect's JB"S, Nem's, Acro's, Chal's, Bounce's, OG's, Bio's

    I have been growing and hording some of the best corals. It is time to share the love. lol Standard DOA"S apply. must take a picture of coral in the unopened bag within 2 hours of delivery if DOA. Anything over $500 will include shipping. $50 shipping if under $500 FedEx overnight local pickup...