
  1. reefrubble

    Fin Injury or Disease: Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres Melanurus)

    Hi fellow reefers, Question: (answers from experienced reef tank owners preferred) Based off of the provided information and images in this post, does this Melanurus Wrasse appear to be injured or sick? If sick, with what? Background: About 3.5 weeks ago I purchased this Melanurus Wrasse from...
  2. trmiv

    Stop Melanarus wrasse from destroying nori?

    So before I added my Melanarus wrasse to the tank my Tomini tang used to calmly graze on nori over the course of a few hours. Now whenever I put nori on a rock or clip the Melanarus will shred it to bits and have to floating around the tank in a million pieces in about 30 seconds, making a...