
  1. Vintageblues

    Build Thread Roxanne The Nano Tank

    No filtration. Just water changes, an Air stone, and patience. This thing takes up all my time and money.
  2. WVReefJunkie

    Build Thread My 220 Gallon Display

  3. ron b

    Build Thread My 125 after cleaning

    Here's my 125 4 months runnin,so going through the green hair algae stage... I got this pic after cleaning... I love kicking back back watching nice clean tank
  4. X.M.Chen

    Build Thread 125 gallon cadlight tank build.

    Hi, I'm new to reef2reef. I'm new to a saltwater tank. Here is my build for a 125 gallon cadlight tank. Please let my know if I did anything wrong. Here is my setup: 125g cadlight tank(59"x24"x21") 40g cadlight sump 3 ecotech radion xr30w G3 pro Vectra M1 Dc pump 4 tunze 6095 power head with...
  5. icedgxe

    Nano Build Here we go again!

    I haven't posted much in a while. I took down and sold my 125g after having it for many years. I just didn't have the time to dedicate to it like I wanted. So after a hiatus from the hobby (due to some life changes) I am starting back. Only this time, I am going miniature. I am going to keep it...