noisy overflow

  1. kennedysherman

    Fluctuating Water Level in Sock Chamber. Suggestions?

    I have a 90 gallon Pro Star AIO that we filled up for the first time earlier this week. We cannot get the water level in the filter sock chamber to stay at a consistent level. We've tried dialing up/down the water flow as well as manipulating the level of the return pump and the water is still...
  2. GotCrabs

    Overflow Noise/Water Level/Stand Pipe Tuning - Insights Appreciated

    Good morning. I've tried to gain insight from other posts but I think I'm still missing some key insights to solve my problem. Bottomline: Noisy overflow and noisy sucking sounds from my tuning holes (see below). Inability to suitably tune the water height in the side sump to make the noise...
  3. Lylelovett

    Enkamat to quiet a weir...

    Hey all, So I have the Synergy 16 Ghost Overflow and finally got it dialed in pretty good; it's nearly silent. But I was dealing with a noisy weir; seemingly coming from the water drop between the inner and outer box. I had adjusted the water level in the overflow as high as I could...