
  1. I

    EMERGENCY Leaving Fish for Vacation

    This summer I am going on a 2 week vacation. I am wondering what to do with my fish tank. I have to ocellaris clowns, a shrimp, and an astraea snail. To have an automatic fish feeder I would have to take the lid off, which would result in way too much evaporation. My choices are to put them all...
  2. Roobixqub

    Anemone not happy???

    Hi all!! Hubby and I are fairly new to the salt world. We have 2 nems living in our 29 biocube. We have one (I think) white long nem and rainbow nem that is hosted by a maroon clown. I am stressing about my rainbow nem because I feel like it’s starving. I have tried feeding it like I do my...
  3. Rtaylor

    Orange Spot Filefish starving

    Background, I have had 3 male orange spot filefish for about 6-7 months in my 150 gallon mixed reef. They have been doing great and appear to be healthy and growing. This week I purchased 2 females online from the same source as my original 3. Both were thin, one extremely thin. One of the...