
  1. Almondkc

    Feeding TDO ChromaBoost- Figuring out the right size for fry.

    In my first clutch of Banggai Cardinal fry I started out the conventional route of going through the process of raising baby brine shrimp and then feeding them to the fry 4 or 5 times a day. Unfortunately, I started to read about the 'sudden fright syndrome' for fry that are fed exclusively on...
  2. Almondkc

    Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai Cardinalfish)

    I have been watching my male BC for a few weeks, I noticed at one point early on I could see the 'pink spheres' in his mouth and then just last week noticed that I could see what appeared to be a mini BC peaking out. When he started to gape his mouth I thought that the time was very near...