
  1. reefsaver

    Upside Down Corals?

    Would anyone have a decent idea on varieties of coral that can grow upside down, or glued to the underside of an aquascape? My first thought was NPS (Non Photosynthetic) Corals, because they don't need light and I could just spot feed. But I'm a big fan of easy corals so I don't know if NPS is...
  2. Bento

    "Invested/reverse" Trochus snail

    Hello, Today I was cleaning my tank and found a Trochus snail I that I hadn't seen for awhile and assumed he had been eaten. I didn't pay much attention after that until I was looking in tonight and noticed the snail is upside down in its shell (It moves on its shell instead of the substrate)...
  3. smellfishy

    regal angel fish in Quarantine curious behavior

    My red sea angel just started this behavior on the fourth day. it has just started eating small amounts of frozen food just a day earlier.