white poop

  1. Y

    EMERGENCY Clownfish behavour and white poop

    Hi I have two clownfish which have been doing fine for 3 weeks now. They seem to have homed in the finger coral in the picture. Now the male won't eat properly and won't leave the coral other than to attack my hand. He has eaten a bit of mysis shrimp but not as much as normal for the last 3-4...
  2. J

    Help! Is this hammer pooping?

    Is my hammer pooping or what? Its been fine this morning then i came home to this. Looks like white slime coming out of the centre. Hard to see in the pic but theres a 1 inch string of slime. It also shrivelled up so much. Its normally open up to about 3 inches? I used a turkey baster and sucked...
  3. D

    White Bubbly Poop - Marine Betta

    I received a marine betta, on Tuesday of last week May 12th. I floated it for about 10 min, then dripped it for 45 min until the salinity matched. He never really did well in the tank, was hiding in the back corner the entire time. I was worried maybe my maroon clown was bother it so I separated...
  4. ThunderGoose

    Chromis uncoordinated

    I've had my chromis for about a year now. She's been active, she grown a lot and then yesterday she quit being coordinated, has some stringy white poop and didn't eat (for the first time). I'm setting up a hospital tank this morning and will start treating with Prazi in her water and food. I...
  5. Evan28395950

    Clownfish White Poop

    Hey everyone, just noticed today that my clownfish’s poop is white, is it ok? He’s been acting normal. Picture of poop: