Old "deep sand" and sand-related fish issues


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Mar 22, 2023
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I seem to be having issues with fish additions. I have a pair of clowns, a pj cardinal, two tangs and a solar fairy wrasse, all seem perfectly happy, active and they eat well. Several months ago I added a yellow coris wrasse and a diamond goby. Both fish were active, visible and eating. There is no bullying to speak of in my tank. The addition of the second tang seems to have fixed that.

Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago I noticed the goby was hiding in the rocks a bit more than usual, and then a few days later he disappeared and I haven't seen him. Earlier this week I thought the coris wrasse was acting a bit more shy than usual, but thought maybe I was paranoid, but he didn't come out at all on Thursday, and I haven't see him since. He's never disappeared for days at a time save for when initially introduced, it took him a day or two to show himself. Now, I know these fish can burrow in the sand and stay there for a while, but it's out of character for him. I guess he could reappear, but I'm not particularly hopeful.

Both of these fish "deal with the sand." The goby "eats" it, sifts it for food and then expels it. The wrasse buries himself in it at night. It's a pretty deep bed, and it's quite old. However, I do have five or six Nassarius snails cruising around under there, and they seem fine. Also, the other fish seem perfectly happen and normal and eat like pigs. Just like these, until they didn't. :-(

Any thoughts?


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When was the last time you added a new fish (or invert) - did you notice any symptoms at all like breathing, etc. There is a theory out there that Ich can survive for longer periods of time in low oxygen environments - I suppose it's possible (but unlikely) that that could be playing a role. Gobies and wrasses may not be all that long-lived - so that may also be playing a role. Were any/all of them quarantined - with medication? How are your parameters?


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The tank has been running for years, but was neglected and fishless for a long time. Then someone gave me a Mimic Tang for Christmas a year ago, and here we are

The last fish I added that is still there is the Square-tailed Bristletooth Tang, maybe 4 months ago? Oh, actually the PJ Cardinal was more recent... He's old and was in a friend's tank that was taken down. Maybe two months? Similar time frame as the yellow coris and the goby, maybe a little more recently, actually.

Both of those fish (goby and yellow coris) were small, so I assume they were young. None of the fish were quarantined, and none have shown any signs of stress or illness other than hiding for a day or two when first added. First sign of anything wrong was they seemed to hide a bit more than usual for a few days prior to disappearing completely.


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The tank has been running for years, but was neglected and fishless for a long time. Then someone gave me a Mimic Tang for Christmas a year ago, and here we are

The last fish I added that is still there is the Square-tailed Bristletooth Tang, maybe 4 months ago? Oh, actually the PJ Cardinal was more recent... He's old and was in a friend's tank that was taken down. Maybe two months? Similar time frame as the yellow coris and the goby, maybe a little more recently, actually.

Both of those fish (goby and yellow coris) were small, so I assume they were young. None of the fish were quarantined, and none have shown any signs of stress or illness other than hiding for a day or two when first added. First sign of anything wrong was they seemed to hide a bit more than usual for a few days prior to disappearing completely.
I think it's impossible to answer your question. Many people wouldn't have used the sand in the way you did. I'm sure you will get better answers...:)


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My yellow watchmen goby disappeared about 8 months ago with his pistol shrimp. Thought he was gone. Dude popped out the other day. He was huge. Knew the pistol was fine since he keeps snapping lol. Both of those can go MIA, the goby for sure, dont have a wrasse other than a tusk and she doesnt go in the sand. I would wait and see if they re appear


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 7 12.3%