Parameters all over over


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I finally got a few testers for my tank outside of the standard ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite checkers for cycling one’s tank. I got the following parameters several hours after a water change using Red Sea Coral Pro mixed at my LFS.

Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 2
Nitrate 19.6
Mg 1600
dKh 12
Ca 250

I noticed the following things nitrite and nitrates a bit high, dKh is expected for the salt but calcium is way low. What can or should I be doing to get better parameters? This can possibly explain why most of my corals are randomly opening and closing throughout the day.


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How old is this tank? You said you got tests for cycling your tank but then at the end you said you have corals? Could you also specify what tests you are using?


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How old is this tank? You said you got tests for cycling your tank but then at the end you said you have corals? Could you also specify what tests you are using?
I finally got a few testers for my tank outside of the standard ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite checkers for cycling one’s tank. I got the following parameters several hours after a water change using Red Sea Coral Pro mixed at my LFS.

Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 2
Nitrate 19.6
Mg 1600
dKh 12
Ca 250

I noticed the following things nitrite and nitrates a bit high, dKh is expected for the salt but calcium is way low. What can or should I be doing to get better parameters? This can possibly explain why most of my corals are randomly opening and closing throughout the day.
Depending on the kind of test kits that you used I am tempted to say that the calcium and magnesium readouts are testing error.

Also, once a tank is cycled, testing for ammonia or nitrite is not super helpful. Especially because I think you’re likely using an API test for at least the ammonia based on the number provided.


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Red Sea for ca, mag, alkalinity cross checked with Hanna. Hanna for nitrates. API for the others.
Calcium and magnesium with Hannah are iffy. Took me several tries to get it just right and I am a trained scientist working in labs for over 20 years.


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Aha after retesting I have 320!
What test kit, big differences in them.
I still have a Hanna CA checker in the basement as it did not perform well for me, too many steps, too small sample either results in low or high results.

Salifert is an easy test for CA and for me, been consistent.
The colour change point is easy to see.

I use Red Sea black which runs my CA and easy, 450ppm.

Same with Hanna MG, inconsistent for me.

Hanna does make a great phosphate and phosphorus test kit. Very little of this in the waters so my eye, sees very little blueish, almost clear. Hanna meter seems to be able to read this change better than me.

Your dkh looks fine and 11.5 to 12dkh is what I expect.
When I mix this salt I get CA at 465ppm and MG at 1365ppm, running 1.025. Test your LFS mix to ensure it mixes to these levels, or, it’s not RS black.

If you do not have a coral load, then whatever your salt mixes at should be same as your DT.

It’s not going to hurt anything if you bump your CA a bit.
Last edited:


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I finally got a few testers for my tank outside of the standard ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite checkers for cycling one’s tank. I got the following parameters several hours after a water change using Red Sea Coral Pro mixed at my LFS.

Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 2
Nitrate 19.6
Mg 1600
dKh 12
Ca 250

I noticed the following things nitrite and nitrates a bit high, dKh is expected for the salt but calcium is way low. What can or should I be doing to get better parameters? This can possibly explain why most of my corals are randomly opening and closing throughout the day.
Im not sold on the salt mix affecting this but I do see ca is low, alk slightly high in which one affects the other and have to be in balance... mag is high ( you want 1300-1400, the three important readings for coral and disregard nitrite which is freshwater specific unless sky high which is rare
Next time you mix a batch, test it before you enter it into tank and see what readings you get


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