Possible Ich or Velvet


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I have a powder blue tang that looks healthy and is eating normally, but I noticed white dots on him and was hoping I could get an opinion on whether it could be Ich or velvet or something else? This is the only fish in the tank with the dots. I got the fish about a month ago from Dr Reef, so I know it’s been through qt, and it was the most recent addition to the tank along with a rabbit fish and wrasse that all came together. I have a qt already up and running copper power treating a tuskfish I got from biota that was infested with Ich, so I could move him to the qt now but figured I would see what the professionals say before I stress him out and put him in a tank I know has Ich. Thanks in advance.

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I have a powder blue tang that looks healthy and is eating normally, but I noticed white dots on him and was hoping I could get an opinion on whether it could be Ich or velvet or something else? This is the only fish in the tank with the dots. I got the fish about a month ago from Dr Reef, so I know it’s been through qt, and it was the most recent addition to the tank along with a rabbit fish and wrasse that all came together. I have a qt already up and running copper power treating a tuskfish I got from biota that was infested with Ich, so I could move him to the qt now but figured I would see what the professionals say before I stress him out and put him in a tank I know has Ich. Thanks in advance.

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This fish has mucus cones likely mixed in with ich and something this very type of fish is susceptible with and will need to be treated in a separate quarantine tank with either coppersafe or Copper Power at therapeutic level 2.25-2.5 For a FULL 30 days (do not interrupt this 30 day period) monitored by a reliable Copper Test kit such as Hanna Brand- No API brand. Also monitor Ammonia levels while in quarantine with a reliable test kit and add aeration during treatment using an air stone.
The other occupants since they were exposed to this might s well go through treatment to assure its gone in the display tank during fallow period when they return to the tank


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This fish has mucus cones likely mixed in with ich and something this very type of fish is susceptible with and will need to be treated in a separate quarantine tank with either coppersafe or Copper Power at therapeutic level 2.25-2.5 For a FULL 30 days (do not interrupt this 30 day period) monitored by a reliable Copper Test kit such as Hanna Brand- No API brand. Also monitor Ammonia levels while in quarantine with a reliable test kit and add aeration during treatment using an air stone.
The other occupants since they were exposed to this might s well go through treatment to assure its gone in the display tank during fallow period when they return to the tank
Thanks. That’s what I figured. I’ll pull him out now.

Jay Hemdal

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Thanks. That’s what I figured. I’ll pull him out now.

I agree, this looks like ich plus mucus plugs. Trouble is, the other fish in the tank have been exposed and could also need to be treated. And, as you pointed out, moving a powder blue to a treatment tank is stressful to them.


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Literally bought a quarantined powder blue from him about 1- 1/2 months ago (along will all the other fish in my tank) and noticed some ich on mine after following a very strict policy of adding nothing that hasn't been fully quarantined down to rock and inverts. He was the most recent addition to my tank as well..... UGH!

Dr. Reef

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I have a powder blue tang that looks healthy and is eating normally, but I noticed white dots on him and was hoping I could get an opinion on whether it could be Ich or velvet or something else? This is the only fish in the tank with the dots. I got the fish about a month ago from Dr Reef, so I know it’s been through qt, and it was the most recent addition to the tank along with a rabbit fish and wrasse that all came together. I have a qt already up and running copper power treating a tuskfish I got from biota that was infested with Ich, so I could move him to the qt now but figured I would see what the professionals say before I stress him out and put him in a tank I know has Ich. Thanks in advance.

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Hi we are really sorry to hear this. As we discussed on private PM and you had said it could be a cross contamination from an obvious infected fish (bought from some other vendor). that makes sense as this fish was only shipped 2 weeks ago and it would be not covered so much in that short time frame.
Either way like to offer you any help needed to cure these fish even if they didnt come from us. We will also replace any fish lost in the process.
Please let us know how we can help.


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Hi we are really sorry to hear this. As we discussed on private PM and you had said it could be a cross contamination from an obvious infected fish (bought from some other vendor). that makes sense as this fish was only shipped 2 weeks ago and it would be not covered so much in that short time frame.
Either way like to offer you any help needed to cure these fish even if they didnt come from us. We will also replace any fish lost in the process.
Please let us know how we can help.
Yea sorry. I thought it was clear from my original post that I was not faulting you for the ich. But to clarify and update the situation in case someone comes across this thread. The PBT came from you healthy a couple weeks before I noticed the spots. All fish in my display tank have either been qtd by me for a month or purchased from you qtd, so what I was trying to say is that there shouldn’t be ich in that tank. Also, last year, I had to pull all of the fish out of that tank and run fallow because of brooklynella, and since they were already out, I ran it follow for longer than necessary to make sure there wasn’t ich which is another reason there shouldn’t be ich in that tank.

Nevertheless, I have a qt already set up in another room in my house treating a harlequin tusk I got from Biota that did arrive infested with ich and went right into that qt. I didn’t want to move the pbt to my qt if I did not need to because, copper or not, I’d be exposing it to ich, so I sought advice here on what exactly I was dealing with. But all spots were gone the next morning and have been gone, so I haven’t moved any fish. I’m not practicing “ich management” and will treat them if spots come back, but I’m also not going to risk losing healthy fish if there’s no visual signs and the only spots were there for less than 12 hours. The tank has an oversized UV on it, but I don’t think that would have been an overnight fix. I don’t know if it was sand or what, but I’m observing and as of now, nothing on the PBT or any other fish. It’s a weird thing overall.

Nevertheless, I’ve bought I think 8 fish from you to stock two different tanks. All except one arrived healthy, and you replaced that fish immediately, so I will continue to use you in the future. Sorry for the confusion.

Dr. Reef

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you are in good hands here with Jay and others, still if needed we are here to help if you may have questiones regarding curing these fish


  • I place the offender in an acclimation box for a period of time (jail).

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • I remove the offender entirely and reintroduce them at a later time (rehab).

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • I use the mirror method (a little reverse psychology).

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • I rearrange rock work (throw them off).

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • I don't tolerate bullies. Bye bye fishy!

    Votes: 14 23.3%
  • I've never dealt with a tank bully.

    Votes: 17 28.3%
  • Other (please explain!)

    Votes: 8 13.3%