
  1. F

    Help with Xenia

    Hello, I am new to corals and I’ve been prepping my tank for 16 months. I wanted to start with Xenia and green star polyps. I know the polyps are weeds, but I really love the way they look. Anyway, I finally bought some Xenia three days ago and they’ve been placed in the tank last night. My...
  2. BeejReef

    My First Fish Order

    PLEASE SCROLL TO SECOND PAGE FOR UPDATE/QUESTION Good morning, I fancied myself uber prepared and well-researched, but I just got the tracking numbers on my first fish order and am feeling the butterflies. The 20% got me. Needed a third fish to qualify... hoping it doesn't cause problems...
  3. Jimmyneptune

    Lineatus fairy wrasse not eating

    I have a Lineatus wrasse that I just got from LA which is not eating and hiding in acclimation box. I have two sections of PVC zip tied together in acclimation box for him to hide in and that is all he does is hide. He will move from one section of PVC to the other but never when I am in the...
  4. MarineDepot

    VIDEO: How to Acclimate Fish and Corals

    VIDEO: How to Acclimate Fish and Corals Drip acclimate new arrivals to ensure a safe transition to their new home!
  5. MarineDepot

    How to Acclimate a Clean Up Crew

    How to Acclimate Clean Up Crew Invertebrates Here's how to safely introduce the critters who'll keep your tank clean! PLUS: Sign up to get early access to our Black Friday deals >
  6. TravisParsley

    How to keep existing reef fish from harassing a newly added fish during a short acclimation period.

    Using an ipad to show video of random fish on a reef, I was able to stop the bullying from existing reef dwellers during the first crucial hour of introduction of this yellow wrasse. Notice how the mass of fish refuse to go beyond the center of the tank.
  7. tablesalt

    New Zoa's... Should I Dim The Lights

    I have a big spread of Zoas coming in tomorrow for my Zoa dominant tank (currently without coral). They are going into a MAX-E 170 with Hydra 26s. The seller I am buying from says that they are coming from tanks with 90-200 par (depending on distance from light). My tank is mostly 80-240 par (to...
  8. KMench

    Cleaner shrimp acclimation best practice

    Hi. I’ve tried purchasing cleaner shrimp multiple times now from LA... every time I try to add them they seem to arrive happy and then struggle during the acclimation. My last order from there I got two skunk cleaners and a blood red. I put the three together in a bucket after floating them...
  9. Mariners

    Issues acclimating zoas to new leds

    Hi Everyone, I have a jbj 28 nano which i just changed over to ai prime hd leds. A few of my zoas dont look happy. Water parameters: Ammonia- 0 Nitrite -0 Nitrate - 5-10 ppm Phosphate - 0 Calc- 400 Mag- 1200 Alk- 8.3 With the new light which im thinking is the issue: 1) The devils armor (which...
  10. Mariners

    Switching leds and accliminating to new light

    hi everyone, With the heat coming on, i decided to ditch my canopy aio led 26 w (no dimmer) especially since a couple of my zoas started spewing zooxanthellet poop. I have the ai prime hd w mount coming monday and will have a screen to let more air exchange. I was wondering what kind of...
  11. Mike N

    Hi fin red banded goby pair + pistol shrimp acclimation/introduction questions

    I ordered a hi-fin red banded goby pair with a pistol shrimp from liveaquaria. They should arrive in the next hour or so. I plan on floating the gobies and drip acclimating the pistol shrimp. Is there a specific order in which these guys should be introduced? Is float acclimation ok for the...
  12. potatocouch

    Revert odd behaviour, normal?

    When the light is off, BTA will expand like no tomorrow. When the light is on, BTA will sucked all its tentacles in. Acclimating behaviour? It seems like it can't differentiate daylight and night.
  13. potatocouch

    How do you do your drip acclimation? Do you..

    Few questions in relation to drip acclimating corals, invertebrates, fishes, anemones et al. When the new inhabitants come in a bag, you float the bag in the DT/Sump for approx 10 mins, turn off the light if it's on, open the bag, pour content into bucket then do drip acclimation. What if...
  14. The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    Elite Aquatic’s Acclimation Box Acclimation boxes are an essential tool for adding new fish to an existing tank, but a tool which is often overlooked or disregarded. I was once a skeptic myself, and I have a feeling many reading this are far from convinced. After all, how could this little...