fish behavior


    Fish Quarantine Starter

    I am official starting up a quarantine system to stock up my tank. thought I would reach out for some do and don't as I am little hesitant to play doctor. Here is where I am starting with the QT. take look and let me know if there is anything missing.
  2. BighohoReef

    To tang or not to tang

    Hi R2R friends, We're thinking about adding a tang to our 100g tank to combat the hair algae showing up in the tank, we have snails but thought a more active eater would help. Want to get some thoughts from the community on these two tangs Does anyone have experience with them? I'm...
  3. Depression in Fish

    Spotlight Depression in Fish

    Depression in Fish The photos included in this article are not depicting depressed fish, but rather they are just some good fish photos from the Reef2Reef archives showing different species that we commonly see in saltwater tanks. ©2019, All Rights Reserved. We often set up aquariums for the...
  4. jk_s124

    Clownfish picking on chromis

    Hello, tried searching for discussion about this but was unable to find much. I recently introduced a blue green chromis into my biocube 29. I have a firefish, perc and ocellaris as well in the tank. Everything was great for the first few weeks, but the past 2-3 weeks our chromis has been...
  5. S

    Imbalances in 60 gallon

    I have a 60 gallon aquarium with a corner overflow that falls into a 55 gallon sump. It goes through a felt filter sock and I have a protein skimmer in the large chamber. I have about 75 lbs of live rock in the display tank with a less than one inch deep sand bed.i have two suspended...
  6. Slyler

    Do I need a cleaner fish?

    I have a couple of fish that seem to want to be cleaned by my cleaner shrimp, show up where the two of them hang out and flash for them. the cleaner shrimp don't care to clean them or anything. this has been going on for a few months, and I haven't found ich, or disease on the fish, I think it's...
  7. kamakazian

    Three striped damsel dance

    My damsel is doing a strange behavior I've never seen before. It's rubbing its belly along the corner of my tank, away from all the other fish. Usually he's in the thick of it with the clowns. But today all he seems to be interested in is going up and down the corner, and barely showed any...