reef tank

  1. Jeremy Lain

    My anemones are not as colorful as these, what can I do to help them be more colorful?

    Hello, My anemones colors are not as colorful as these in this picture: This is what my anemones look like, they are colorful but not like these. My camera is not good so that has some to do with the colors in the picture, but they are not as colorful as these. Here is a picture of my...
  2. Jeremy Lain

    What do I need to do to get coralline algae to grow like this?

    What do I need to do to get coralline algae to grow like this?
  3. B's Reef

    Build Thread B's Reef 210 Gallon Build Thread!

    Hey guys, finally getting around to starting my build thread. This is my second build and I regret not doing one of these on my first tank. Ive been in the hobby right at 2 years now. I started off with a 100 gallon drilled tank with a 30 gallon sump. I learned so much in that first year, Ive...
  4. CookeRS

    Made a video of my aquarium, just wanted to share - enjoy.

    Decided to make a video of my reef tank this weekend. The tank has just about hit the 3 months old mark. Enjoy, and if any comments or thoughts please feel free to share with me :)
  5. Nart

    MightyNanoTank's Skunk Clownfish Harem Journey

    Hey All! I am very excited to share with you all and take you along this Skunk Clownfish harem journey with me. Let's hop right into it! The specific clownfish I chose for this harem project is: Amphiprion sandaracinos Also known as: Orange skunk clownfish Why did I go with orange skunk...
  6. Ignitros

    Help choosing a wrasse or 2!

    Hey everyone! I am looking to add a wrasse or two into my tank. It is a mixed reef tank (softies, LPS and SPS) with a sand bottom, 110 gallon display 150 gallon total, screen lid cover 1/8" net. I have only a yellow watchman and a diamond watchman goby in there currently. I will be adding a...
  7. reeftigergal


    I did this build years ago then after a few years and a family tragedy, left the hobby for 3 years. Last summer I got back into the hobby full force and even upgraded my system. Here is my Pictorial story. Doing design, building all the acrylic tanks and sump, woodwork building, staining...
  8. TravisParsley

    How to keep existing reef fish from harassing a newly added fish during a short acclimation period.

    Using an ipad to show video of random fish on a reef, I was able to stop the bullying from existing reef dwellers during the first crucial hour of introduction of this yellow wrasse. Notice how the mass of fish refuse to go beyond the center of the tank.
  9. Chrisss

    What Fish would you add next?

    Kinda stuck on what fish to add next. I know I want new fish but no idea what I want. I upgraded from my 55g to a 80G with 40G sump and just wondering what to add next. Current Stock in Main tank: Yellow Tang Cleaner Wrasse Red-lined Wrasse Blue Star Leopard Wrasse Watchman Goby + Tiger Pistol...
  10. Jeremy Lain

    Help me design this virtual reef tank?

    Hello, I was wondering if someone can help me design this virtual reef tank? So when its time to add fish and corals, I will not have any lost fish or corals. I will be making decisions based on opinions. I already have some equipment so I will be using what I have. The tank is a 30 gallon.
  11. Jeremy Lain

    White Reef Tank Lights

    I see in some peoples pictures the lights look white in the tank. Can corals grow this way or do you think they just do it for the pictures?

    How to Setup a Saltwater Reef Tank?

    The first video in the BRAND NEW YouTube series, How to Setup a Saltwater Reef Tank! Some of you may be new to this and considering starting up, others of you may be considering starting over so this multi part series will cover every single aspect of setting up a brand new tank AND you get to...
  13. Jeremy Lain

    Waiting on reef tank to cycle

    It is day four, I have a piece of a shrimp in there. Its is soooo boring to look at! I'm seeing a little bit of green algae on rocks, does this mean its starting to cycle?
  14. E

    Reef tank almost done cycling?

    Hi, so about 2 weeks ago I started a 29 gallon saltwater tank which I started with live rock and some live sand from my previous 5 gallon nano reef and some bio spira basically quick start. Ive been testing the water regularly every other day while doing 25% weekly water changes. Bio spira so...
  15. T3CHED

    225Gal Wish List

    Im unable to post in the WTB forum so Im posting here in hopes an admin member can help me get it into that forum. Im currently doing a 225Gal DT / 75Gal Sump and need a few items, if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated! 1. (3) ocean revive T247 led lights (hoping with remotes) 2...
  16. RichyRich50

    Help with tank upgrade to Red Sea Reefer 350

    I recently bought a Red Sea Reefer 350 to upgrade from a 46 gal Bow front. So here is my issue, I want setup my Reefer 350 in the same spot as my current 46 gal Bowfront. What is the best way to do this without losing any fish? Oh and I also bought new sand, so the old sand will go in trash...
  17. coralfish12g

    Floating Coral in a Reef Tank (VIDEO)

    AYO! Seriously interested to know what you guys think of this tank? Personally, I think it's creative and awesome, however I have seen some people hate on it saying the aquascape is not for them :/ Thoughts? (details on this tank are in the YouTube description, just click on the video link)
  18. audikers

    Nursing a reef tank back to life..

    OK. So my fiance and I split back in June and when I moved out I left our tank with him. Fast forward and I finally realize that he hasnt been taking care of it and now I would say 75% of the corals and fish that were in there are dead. I am super upset about it and now I need to nurse what is...
  19. coralfish12g


    GIVEAWAY! I've partnered with Algae Barn to give away 3 REFUGIUM STARTER PACKS which consist of Copepods, Phytoplankton, Macro Algae, Turbo Start, and Marine Pure Block! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TO ENTER: Watch & comment on my new video here:
  20. Colin B

    125 gallon reef tank build, looking for advice and pointers for success.

    Hello, I am new to the forums but have been keeping reef tanks/fowlr tanks for the past five years. I recently picked up a 125 gallon tank that was brand new from craigslist for $100 dollars so that was too good of a deal to pass up. So, since I have picked up this tank, I was looking to see...
  21. Shabalaba

    Reef safe mantis shrimp?

    Is there such a thing? Is there a species of stomatopod that has no interest in corals or fish? I don't mind it taking out some hermits and snails. Also the aquarium is a 125 gallon with a 4 inch sand bed and is well established.
  22. barista7105

    PowderBlue Tang

    Some says this is one of hard fish to keep due to prone to ick. However with proper quarantine and mature tank, it is not impossible to keep PBT for long time. These are my two PBT kept in 220g tank, been keeping them for 4+ years.
  23. M

    75 gallon. Trying to build it right the first time!

    I've been reading and watching A LOT of videos. I've seen most of the BRS videos on setting up a tank and have the general idea about how to do it but everything varies so much by tank size and other factors it's hard to now exactly what size items (piping, sump, pump, etc) I need for my...
  24. NanoKaren

    Let's see some tank selfies!

  25. ArmanitooChar

    Build Thread Armani's Clean Algae (88 gallons)

    Hello I'm new to the forum. I'm beginning my second reef aquarium. I started a couple of years ago with a 66 gallons (Red sea Max). I had to stop it due to some reasons, but today i'm back again. I build my tank completely by myself. Indeed, i did not want to buy a complete system from a...