The water is cloudy now because I had massive cyanosis which went away in 7 days. When it came off the fireplaces it formed a very fine fine gray powder and the water became cloudy. I am now in the 5th month since starting. I changed it three times at 10%, but it's still a little dark. I have no live rocks or sand, they were all dead. That's exactly what I was asking, based on my description what the illness might be so I'm prepared with the appropriate pre-quarantine medicine if I ever decide to try again and should I take the clowns out and start a display quarantine? I understand from you that it is necessary and I think that if it is so, I will start from tomorrow. Thank you!!!I thought of 2 things - it could be an early infection which for some reason spread or - 2 the lesion had nothing to do with the problem, but one of your parameters was off (which doesn't make sense since your corals are ok?). It's hard to tell now after the fact - can you describe what happened during the time you owned it - to me your water looks a little cloudy.
Other than that, sorry about your loss, and I would go with the fallow period as recommended. However, you need to take the clown out to do that - and I would put it in a QT tank and treat with the protocol if thats possible.