Beginners Guide to Acclimation and Quarantine



Electrical Gru
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That's ok I may have posted it in another QT forum. Anyway here it is.
I want to restrict my day in Copper Power to no more than 14, including the ramp up from 1ppm to 1.75ppm. It has been said that you can run copper for 14 days with Metroplex and then transfer to a "sterile" tank or even put in the DT. At day 13 my plan was to move the fish and copper water from the QT to a tub for a day while I clean the original QT and sterilize it. I would then refill the now clean QT with new water and treat with Prazipro for another week or so while observing the fish before putting them into my DT. My confusion comes from comments that say I need to keep the fish in therapeutic levels of copper for 30 days OR transfer the fish to a sterile tank after 14 days. What I am proposing is the same thing in my mind I keep the fish in copper for 14 days total and move to a clean tank. I am having a difficult time getting a straight forward answer.
Transferring to the tub will be fine. Unless you plan on doing a very heavy bleaching I would probably keep them in the tub for at least 2 days to make sure everything dries out and kills any tomonts in corners and crevices of the filter. But yes, transferring to a clean tub would be the same a transferring to a sterile QT.


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Transferring to the tub will be fine. Unless you plan on doing a very heavy bleaching I would probably keep them in the tub for at least 2 days to make sure everything dries out and kills any tomonts in corners and crevices of the filter. But yes, transferring to a clean tub would be the same a transferring to a sterile QT.
Does it make any difference whether the fish are in copper for 14 days or 16 days, I recall that 10 days 1.75 ppm is the minimum but ranping up to that level over a 3 day period brings the day up to 13 rounded up to 2 weeks or 14 days. Sound about right.

Drying in the hot SW Florida sun sitting on my driveway should happen easily in a few hours:)


Electrical Gru
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Does it make any difference whether the fish are in copper for 14 days or 16 days, I recall that 10 days 1.75 ppm is the minimum but ranping up to that level over a 3 day period brings the day up to 13 rounded up to 2 weeks or 14 days. Sound about right.

Drying in the hot SW Florida sun sitting on my driveway should happen easily in a few hours:)
Nope. Greater than 8 days (I like 10+ days) up to 30 days doesn't matter if they are transferred to a sterile system.

We have too much humidity here in Alabama. Things take longer to dry. :(


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Your beautiful new display tank is up and ready for fish. You have come up with your stocking list and you are finally ready to buy your first fish but you aren’t confident on how to proceed. I am going to walk you through a basic acclimation and quarantine procedure. I want to throw in a disclaimer and I really can’t stress this enough. What I am proposing here is not a 100% foolproof quarantine protocol. This is structured to provide beginners a faster, simplified method that will help avoid most common issues if done correctly. If you are setting up a 180g+ system with $1000+ in fish I recommend much more advanced quarantine practices. This is geared toward the average new hobbyist to give them a high chance of success in keeping healthy fish.


Prior to ordering fish or going to my local fish store I want to make sure I am ready. This means I have my quarantine tank setup and filtration ready. My quarantine tank is a 10g system with a hood, heater, thermometer, powerhead, and an oversized HOB filter with only the biomedia and sponge. I also put a Seachem Ammonia Alert badge in the tank since most ammonia test kits don’t work if with copper.

I prefer to set the tank up at least 4 or 5 days in advance. I will call or email the vendor and find out what salinity the fish will be delivered in. I’ll use a combination of tank water and freshly mixed seawater to match. Once the water is up to temperature I’ll add some Biospira and a little frozen food for ammonia control.

I also want to be prepared to deal with anything I may encounter when the fish arrive. This is a sample of what I keep on hand all the time. If a fish is sick the last thing I need is the stress of a run to the LFS or waiting on a delivery from an online vendor. Prime is one of those products that is great to have for multiple uses. I treat all my fish prophylactically with copper so I always have Coppersafe on hand. I also have an API copper test set. Not all test sets work with all copper products so it is important to check to make sure you have the right one. Prazipro is another medicine that I am more likely to use than not before the fish get to my display tank. In case a fish has a bacterial infection I like to keep MetroPlex, KanaPlex, and Furan-2 on hand. The Focus is used to bind the medications to the food. There are other options and other brands that will work just fine, these are just the ones I prefer.


Many experts and suppliers recommend using drip acclimation and for some species of fish and inverts this is the only option. For most fish it isn’t my preferred method. It doesn’t matter to me if I pick up the fish in person or if I order them online, I will acclimate my fish the same way. As soon as I get them out of my cooler or the shipping container I will float the bags in my quarantine tank. This will begin the temperature acclimation process. If you have more bags than can be floated in your QT, try to keep them in the 75F-80F range until you are ready to match them to the quarantine system. Leaving them in the cooler or shipping contain may be the best option.

Once I have floated the bags for around 20 minutes it's time to do some testing.
Just because I think I know what salinity my fish are in there is only one way to know for sure and that is to test it. I will cut as small of a slit in the bag as possible to draw a sample of the shipping water.

Once I get my sample I will tape over the opening to prevent air exchange. This is especially important for shipped fish. As the fish consume oxygen in the water they release CO2 and Ammonia. Ammonia (NH3) is very toxic to fish but the buildup of CO2 in the shipping water is going to help us by lowering pH. At a lower pH the NH3 tends to shift toward Ammonium (NH4) which isn’t nearly as toxic. We want to trap as much of this CO2 in the water as possible at this point to prevent an increase in pH and converting the NH4 back to NH3.

I use my refractometer to measure the shipping water and compare it to my quarantine tank. I want them to match exactly if at all possible. I keep a gallon of very strong salt water solution and some RODI water to make raising and lower salinity easy. For my latest batch of fish I was told they would ship at 1.021 yet when I received them my test showed 1.017. Not a problem though, I just pulled some salt water out, added RODI, waited for the temperature to equalize and I was good to go. Before cutting the bag open I like to verify temperatures match which is where the digital thermometer comes in handy. A quick dip in the quarantine tank to check the tank and then I peel back the tape from my earlier slit to check the shipping water. If they are within a few tenths of a degree I am ready to move on and I consider my fish acclimated at this point even though they are still in the shipping water. Some people recommend matching pH. I don’t bother since the pH will rapidly change once the bag is cut open and is exposed to fresh air.

At this point, I am ready to get the fish out of the shipping water and into my quarantine tank. I know that the shipping water is high in ammonia and other waste. What I don’t know is what else is in that water which is a lesson I learned the hard way. I purchased fish that had been shipped in water that contained copper. I was still drip acclimating at the time so I added Prime to the water to neutralize the ammonia. Unfortunately, while Prime took care of the ammonia it also makes copper significantly more toxic. Those poor fish didn’t last 2 hours. To make sure nothing like this happens again I do my best to get rid of all of the shipping water. You never really know what is in it.

With the salinity and temperature matched, we are finally ready to put them into the quarantine tank. I set up a bucket with a large strainer on it right next to my quarantine tank. I find a strainer easier to use than a net and I don’t have to worry about fish with spines, like Foxface’s, getting stuck in it. Now that I am ready, I cut the top off the shipping bag and dump the fish and water into the strainer. I lift the strainer out of the bucket and slide the fish into the quarantine tank. I’ll repeat this process for all the fish I need to add that day. I use a 5 gallon bucket so it normally isn’t an issue, but I want to make sure the bottom of the strainer stays above the shipping water.

Early Care:

I feel it is very important to reduce the stress for new fish as much as possible. For the first day I will only light the tank with ambient light from the room. For some fish, I will never turn the tank lights on at all. This last group I just put through quarantine were Dispar Anthias. They are shallow water reef fish which are more comfortable in brighter lights. As prey, not predators, they associate dim lighting as time to hide which raises their stress. So for this group I left the lights on for 12 hours a day.

My biggest concern with new fish is to get them feeding. I want to try starting them with whatever it is I plan on feeding them when they get into my display tank. For me that consists of a high quality frozen fish food blend, frozen mysis, and sheet algae. If they don’t start eating by day 2 I will try whatever else it takes to get them to eat. I have yet to find a Tang that will eat algae from a clip as soon as they are introduced into my system. To train them to eat I will rubberband small pieces of algae to a PVC elbow. This has worked very well for me.


How I treat fish while in QT tends to vary based on the situation. I will normally try to not add any medications to the tank for at least the first 3 days. I want to give the fish time to adapt and adjust to feeding without introducing any new stresses. If I do see something during the first 3 days that causes concern I will adjust my treatments based on the situation. Assuming that all the fish look to be doing good after day 3, I will do a freshwater dip on each fish to check for flukes. As long as there are no indications of flukes, the fish are all eating, and none have white stringy poo then I will skip treating with Prazipro. If Prazipro is needed, I will treat at the recommended dose twice, 7 days apart. I will follow this with a 50% water change and running carbon in my HOB for a day or two.

At this point I am ready to begin treating with copper. I use Coppersafe with the API test kit. I find reading these test kits challenging since I never seem to actually see a color that is on the chart. Instead, I mix up 1 gallon of saltwater and add 1.8mL of Coppersafe. I test it with my API kit and this color becomes my new target. If future tests are lighter I know I need to add copper. If they are darker I need to dilute the copper a little. My 10g quarantine tank needs 20mL of Coppersafe to reach the proper therapeutic level. I slowly raise the copper level in my tank by adding 3mL of Coppersafe each morning and evening for 3 days. It is important to maintain this level of copper without interruption! Even a few minutes at lower copper will give parasites an opening! I maintain therapeutic copper levels for 14 days. It works well since I only get fish on weekends and this keeps things lined up for my personal schedule.

During this treatment I have another task to accomplish along with the copper treatment. I want to use this time to adjust my quarantine system to match my display tank. This latest group of fish was a little more challenging since they came in at 1.017 and I keep my display tank at 1.025. I don’t like to change my salinity by more than 0.001 per day so this was a long adjustment. To make it easier I mixed up a 4 gallons of saltwater in a dedicated and well marked bucket to 1.040. I then mixed in 5 mL of Coppersafe. Remember to add the copper to the makeup water prior to adding to the tank to make sure there is always have a therapeutic level of copper in the system. Every morning and evening I would add my RODI top off water (if needed), pull a cup or two of water out of the quarantine tank, and replace it with this higher salt mix. I started with smaller changes and increased the amount I pulled as the salinity in the quarantine tank got closer to the make up water. This was an easy way for me to raise salinity and maintain copper without daily mixing. Just make sure the bucket is clearly marked and dedicated for the QT system. It would be a disaster if this was used as makeup water in a display tank!

After the 14 days in copper and with the salinity in my quarantine tank matching my display tank, the fish are just about ready for their new home. Ideally, the next new home will be another clean quarantine tank where we can observe them for an additional two weeks but I realize it can be a challenge for some hobbyists to set up one QT system, let alone two. If you don’t have the second quarantine system available DO NOT transfer them into your display if you have any questions about their health such as if they are breathing heavy or have frayed fins. If there are any doubts you can keep them in the original quarantine system with therapeutic levels of copper for 30 days. At this point, instead of transferring the fish you, you can safely remove the copper and treat with any additional medications that may be need. I like to give at least 1 fish in the system another fresh water dip to check for flukes prior to the transfer.

Final Transfer:

It is finally time to move the fish into my display tank. I use my Apex to adjust the temperature of my display tank to match my quarantine tank to make it easy to do a straight transfer. Manual adjustments of the heaters may be necessary if a controller isn’t available. I take the bucket and strainer that I used when I added the fish to my quarantine tank and set it up in front of my display tank. I have a small container that hangs on the front of the tank which I fill with water from my display tank. I will pull the PVC elbows out of my quarantine tank and either use a net or a small strainer to catch the fish and put them into the container. I dump this container into the strainer as a final rinse to minimize transferring copper or other medications into my display tank. From the strainer, I put the fish into an acclimation box in my display tank. They will spend anywhere from 1 to 5 days in the acclimation box depending on the risk of aggression issues. All that’s left at this point is to open the lid to the box, let the fish out, and enjoy my display knowing that I have an excellent chance of avoiding any major disease outbreak in my system.

Wow I had no idea it was this complicated to quaritine fish. Maybe my fish store offers quarantine services


Electrical Gru
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Wow I had no idea it was this complicated to quaritine fish. Maybe my fish store offers quarantine services
It's not too bad, but it does take some dedication. I wouldn't trust my LFS to QT my fish, but that is just me. I also do more than is in this article as new fish health issues have become more common. Probably time for a rewrite.


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It's not too bad, but it does take some dedication. I wouldn't trust my LFS to QT my fish, but that is just me. I also do more than is in this article as new fish health issues have become more common. Probably time for a rewrite.

Yes please re write or update. Maybe even include some sort of chart and medicines protocalls, ie days, ppm, interactions etc

I’ve honestly been going through this thread and other qt ones and am still confused on practices.


Electrical Gru
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Yes please re write or update. Maybe even include some sort of chart and medicines protocalls, ie days, ppm, interactions etc

I’ve honestly been going through this thread and other qt ones and am still confused on practices.
This guide was originally written to do an absolute bare minimum. If you want something more comprehensive I recommend looking in the fish disease section of the forums. The goal was to provide a short and easy process for people who otherwise wouldn't QT.


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This guide was originally written to do an absolute bare minimum. If you want something more comprehensive I recommend looking in the fish disease section of the forums. The goal was to provide a short and easy process for people who otherwise wouldn't QT.

I’m looking at using copper to atleast take care of the common things, I guess call it bare minimum. Even still this thread goes round and round about 7 days, 14, 30 etc.
Never mind all of the other meds and prophylactics, prime this or biospira that.
To me and no figure pointing at all meant, it just seems like random banter. I still have no idea what approach I want to take when I bring my first fishes home for QT


Electrical Gru
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Even still this thread goes round and round about 7 days, 14, 30 etc.
I think that is because I covered some common contingencies that can cause time frames to change.

To me and no figure pointing at all meant, it just seems like random banter. I still have no idea what approach I want to take when I bring my first fishes home for QT
If you want a more updated recommendation, this is what I would recommend now, but it isn't necessarily easy.

First, I would get a high range Hanna Checker for measuring copper. Invaluable now that we know they work for seawater.
Have your QT set up at 1ppm copper using either Coppersafe or Copper power and have a dose of API General Cure in the water when you receive the fish. Ramp up Copper by 0.25 per day for 3 days. On days 3, and 5 add metroplex. On day 7 add General Cure. On day 9 and 11 add Metroplex. On day 14 transfer to a clean QT or into the DT.
This will cover all of the common threats other than Prazi resistant flukes.


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I think that is because I covered some common contingencies that can cause time frames to change.

If you want a more updated recommendation, this is what I would recommend now, but it isn't necessarily easy.

First, I would get a high range Hanna Checker for measuring copper. Invaluable now that we know they work for seawater.
Have your QT set up at 1ppm copper using either Coppersafe or Copper power and have a dose of API General Cure in the water when you receive the fish. Ramp up Copper by 0.25 per day for 3 days. On days 3, and 5 add metroplex. On day 7 add General Cure. On day 9 and 11 add Metroplex. On day 14 transfer to a clean QT or into the DT.
This will cover all of the common threats other than Prazi resistant flukes.
I may have asked this before but what is the benefit of keeping them in copper for 30 days vs 14 days?


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I may have asked this before but what is the benefit of keeping them in copper for 30 days vs 14 days?
Nvm I just read back through this and I see where you said 30 days can clear all types of flukes, internal parasites and helps avoid bacterial issues, does the copper treat these things or is it just the longer observation period that clears these things?

I just got a group of anthias today and I wanna make sure I do this right, ive lost alot of fish in qt lately (all chromis with uromena - giving up on them for the time being)

I don't think I want to be super aggressive with treatment unless I have to so I will probably do copper and prazi/metroplex separately. Does it matter which I do first?
Either starting with 2 weeks of prazi/metro (I don't have general cure on hand but I have both of those meds separately) and then 30 days of copper or should I start with copper and do 2 weeks of prazi/metro after removing copper from the system?


Electrical Gru
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Nvm I just read back through this and I see where you said 30 days can clear all types of flukes, internal parasites and helps avoid bacterial issues, does the copper treat these things or is it just the longer observation period that clears these things?

I just got a group of anthias today and I wanna make sure I do this right, ive lost alot of fish in qt lately (all chromis with uromena - giving up on them for the time being)

I don't think I want to be super aggressive with treatment unless I have to so I will probably do copper and prazi/metroplex separately. Does it matter which I do first?
Either starting with 2 weeks of prazi/metro (I don't have general cure on hand but I have both of those meds separately) and then 30 days of copper or should I start with copper and do 2 weeks of prazi/metro after removing copper from the system?
I'll see if I can clear things up. You can treat fish in copper for 10+ days followed by a transfer to a clean system OR you can treat in copper for 30 days and then remove the copper from the system. Copper will take care of Ich and Velvet.
Prazi will take care of most flukes, some internal parasites, and Black Ich. Metro will take care of Uronema, Brooklynella, and some internal parasites. It is also an antibiotic so can help with bacterial issues.

If you don't treat aggressively it becomes a bit of a guessing game. If your fish has Uronema and you start with copper you have reduced your chances of success. If your fish has Velvet and you start with Metro you could be in trouble. However, Metro does have some anti parasitic properties so there is that. Since Uronema seems to be a big problem in the supply chain right now I would start with the Metro/Prazi treatment.


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I'll see if I can clear things up. You can treat fish in copper for 10+ days followed by a transfer to a clean system OR you can treat in copper for 30 days and then remove the copper from the system. Copper will take care of Ich and Velvet.
Prazi will take care of most flukes, some internal parasites, and Black Ich. Metro will take care of Uronema, Brooklynella, and some internal parasites. It is also an antibiotic so can help with bacterial issues.

If you don't treat aggressively it becomes a bit of a guessing game. If your fish has Uronema and you start with copper you have reduced your chances of success. If your fish has Velvet and you start with Metro you could be in trouble. However, Metro does have some anti parasitic properties so there is that. Since Uronema seems to be a big problem in the supply chain right now I would start with the Metro/Prazi treatment.
Do u think it's best to just treat aggressively? Is that hard on the fish


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I'll see if I can clear things up. You can treat fish in copper for 10+ days followed by a transfer to a clean system OR you can treat in copper for 30 days and then remove the copper from the system. Copper will take care of Ich and Velvet.
Prazi will take care of most flukes, some internal parasites, and Black Ich. Metro will take care of Uronema, Brooklynella, and some internal parasites. It is also an antibiotic so can help with bacterial issues.

If you don't treat aggressively it becomes a bit of a guessing game. If your fish has Uronema and you start with copper you have reduced your chances of success. If your fish has Velvet and you start with Metro you could be in trouble. However, Metro does have some anti parasitic properties so there is that. Since Uronema seems to be a big problem in the supply chain right now I would start with the Metro/Prazi treatment.
I am dosing to 1.0 ppm this AM. Should I also dose the Metroplex and how often.
Since the Copper Power shows dosing to 2.5ppm how did you arrive at 1.75?


Electrical Gru
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Do u think it's best to just treat aggressively? Is that hard on the fish
I can tell you I was 0 for 8 on Anthias trying to not treat aggressively. I was 3 of 7 when I did treat aggressively and would have been 4 of 7 but I lost a jumper. I saw him jump but he was injured. I guess what I think best depends on the fish and where I get it from. Of course, it could have been that the last group I treated started healthier. It's one of those things that has many pro's and con's. It would be nice if we could do it based on the condition the fish arrived but imo the average hobbyist cannot be expected to know if fish have internal Uronema.


Electrical Gru
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I am dosing to 1.0 ppm this AM. Should I also dose the Metroplex and how often.
Since the Copper Power shows dosing to 2.5ppm how did you arrive at 1.75?
I would dose Metroplex every 2 days per the manufacturer recommendations. The 1.75ppm comes from testing done by some of the gurus in the fish disease section.


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I can tell you I was 0 for 8 on Anthias trying to not treat aggressively. I was 3 of 7 when I did treat aggressively and would have been 4 of 7 but I lost a jumper. I saw him jump but he was injured. I guess what I think best depends on the fish and where I get it from. Of course, it could have been that the last group I treated started healthier. It's one of those things that has many pro's and con's. It would be nice if we could do it based on the condition the fish arrived but imo the average hobbyist cannot be expected to know if fish have internal Uronema.
Yeah I don't see any signs of anything on them yet. All seem happy and active. Just torn now or which approach to take on these and from now on..


Electrical Gru
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Yeah I don't see any signs of anything on them yet. All seem happy and active. Just torn now or which approach to take on these and from now on..
It's not an easy decision. I try to learn from each batch I put through QT.

I know it is in the first paragraph in the article and I say it repeatedly through these comments but what I laid out was very basic. I do much more than I have in here. I may adjust my procedures based on timing and as new information comes in but I don't risk getting diseases in my system.
This is a picture from last night. The Regal Tang and Magnificent Foxface are over 7" long now that I've had them over 2 years. They survived the tank transfer from my old system to this one over a year ago. Never a sign of any disease. Would I rather have people do a basic copper QT like I laid out in the article as opposed to just dumping them in a DT? Absolutely. I would prefer if people would use one of the more comprehensive approaches laid out in the fish disease section.
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It's not an easy decision. I try to learn from each batch I put through QT.

I know it is in the first paragraph in the article and I say it repeatedly through these comments but what I laid out was very basic. I do much more than I have in here. I may adjust my procedures based on timing and as new information comes in but I don't risk getting diseases in my system.
This is a picture from last night. The Regal Tang and Magnificent Foxface are over 7" long now that I've had them over 2 years. They survived the tank transfer from my old system to this one over a year ago. Never a sign of any disease. Would I rather have people do a basic copper QT like I laid out in the article as opposed to just dumping them in a DT? Absolutely. I would prefer if people would use one of the more comprehensive approaches laid out in the fish disease section.
Yeah I definitely don't want any diseases in my tank which is why I'm gonna do the 30 days and treat for any possible fish diseases. Just don't know how aggressive I should be with the treatments


Electrical Gru
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Yeah I definitely don't want any diseases in my tank which is why I'm gonna do the 30 days and treat for any possible fish diseases. Just don't know how aggressive I should be with the treatments
It's a tough question. The hard part is that either way you go you may lose fish you may not have lost if you had gone the opposite direction. No way to know in advance which is better.