Recognizing some "red flags" in coral commerce...

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Hey, it’s me!

Been taking my first legitimate “vacation time” for almost three years, and it’s been really cool. Yeah, I sort of unplugged for a bit. Disengaged. Relaxed. No. RELAXED! I highly recommend it! Of course, Reefapalooza NY is this weekend, so how relaxing will that be? Looking forward to seeing some of you there! Anyways, thought I’d share a little piece with you today.

In this rapidly-changing world of “E-Coral-Commerce”, it seems like new “coral vendors” are popping up like Aiptasia from every corner…Like, dozens of ‘em every month! With the surge in new “coral vendors”, there is a corresponding “experience feedback loop” among concumers. Some great sources have emerged from this new milieu, and some reconstituted ripoff artists have simply found a new playground.


The impetus for this blog was a Facebook post in which I was tagged, about a very bad experience a reefer had in a recent transaction with a “vendor.” Now, I’m certainly not the consumer protection guy for the reef hobby, and I’m not the expert on everything related to coral commerce in this new era, but I do have an opinion, hear from dozens of coral consumers weekly, and do consider myself a student of this market, and as such, have formulated a few opinions and talking points that might help you get a vibe for the vendor your thinking of working with. These are just some things that, if you encounter during your coral shopping, should at least raise an eyebrow or two and make you proceed with greater caution:

The vendor has a crazy name you’ve never heard of- Okay, really, this is not a non-starter by any stretch. Every vendor was unknown to the coral buying public at some point. Lots of new people are entering the coral propagation game, and that’s great. I don’t care if the guy is operating out of his bedroom, Aunt Helen’s basement, or a storage shed. That’s not a problem. Entrepreneurial opportunities are awesome, and I love seeing intrepid reefers go for it. And, with the advent of sites like eBay, Easy, Made Freshly, etc. creating cool new e-commerce platforms for small businesses, it’s never been easy to be “legit” for a small business. Even Facebook has some options. It’s the way in which the business is conducted that would make me wonder…

A “vendor” that solely exists in a forum or discussion group somewhere is not a brilliant “niche marketer”, IMHO…It’s often someone that thinks they can avoid conforming with the legitimate requirements of business (ie; taxes, dba, licensing, etc.). It’s one thing for an individual to sell on a forum-that’s a nice way to raise some extra cash. However, it’s quite another when someone is passing themselves off as a “business” without doing the things required of a business, IMHO. This view will not make me popular with some people, but it’s my opinion, as stated previously.

Big or small, everyone in the biz needs to play by the rules, including operating in an ethical manner and registering a business with the government (ie; a tax ID number). I hate people that skirt the rules and rip off people or the government that, like it or not, pays for our brave servicemen and women to protect us with revenue provided by our tax dollars. If it were so easy, everyone would do it, right? It’s ridiculous that I even have to mention this.


Ripoff artists hurt the people who protect us. Like it or not.

No “buzz” in the hobby community- It IS a small community of geeks we have here, and when someone new enters the fray, you usually hear some “buzz on the street’, as they say, about the vendor. No feedback at all is not a deal killer, IMHO, as long as you can have meaningful real conversation with the owner to make you more comfortable. Maybe the legitimate guy IS just starting out. I always like to at least know the name of the human I’m dealing with..A lot of guys that enter “the biz” will use a “screen name” from the forum they frequent, which is, of course, a good point of reference. Regardless, it’s nice to be able to engage with a human, ya know?


Who heard of these guys a few years ago?

The vendor uses pics that are not his/hers- Really? Yeah, seriously, this is almost epidemic! I mean, I’ve actually seen our pics used to sell some other guy’s coral on a number of occasions. Sometimes, they tweak the colors, which is weird, but not surprising. On other occasions, the moron shamelessly used our pic, watermark an all, to advertise his “version” of our coral, complete with ridiculous price! Take away point here: If your “vendor” can’t afford to take his own pics, and rips off someone else’s, it should speak volumes about his /her operation. Run. Run fast.


That's one of ours!

Vague or non-existent policies concerning DOAs, delayed shipments, etc.- I mean, it’s not a perfect world, and unfortunately, corals do die in transit. Shipments are delayed for no apparent reason. However, when the vendor is long on hype and sales talk, and basic policies are simply non-existent, you have to wonder, right? A lot of these types are big on sales hype and such, and have nothing to offer from a consumer practices standpoint. No communication, or shaky communications at best. It reminds me of those guys that just sell cable boxes or “gold chains” from the back of their car…”I got this Rainbow Millie-last one left…$350…Gotta act NOW!” Yikes. Slimy.

Weird "business practices"- “I only take Paypal if it’s sent to my sister’s account” or, “Use my friend’s Paypal account for this transaction…” - RED ALERT! Okay, I’m not the expert on accounting and such, but if I see some strange arrangement like that, I’d at least want to know about why. Yes, PayPal does offer you some protection, but why open yourself up to trouble if you have a nagging feeling, right? Investigate and don’t send your hard-earned dollars until you’re comfortable.


"I got this coral, see...and it's the last one, see..."

Okay, I could go on and on, and be the proverbial “Pain in the Porites”, but you get the idea. I’m not trying to rail on everyone who is running a home-based coral business, sells stuff on E Bay, etc. No. The point is that, despite the fact that commerce as we know it is evolving almost daily, there are still standards and practices that, if skirted, should send up a big red flag to you, the consumer. There is no limit to creativity, effective marketing ideas, and sales platforms these days, and that’s cool. It allows all sorts of people to achieve the dream of creating and running their own businesses. However, it’s also opened the floodgates for ripoff artists, scammers, and low life who think they can beat the system and laugh all the way to the bank.

It’s no secret that almost anyone can source some corals from an outfit in Bali these days, fill out some paperwork and shoot over money and suddenly become a “coral importer/vendor.” There are a lot of hungry businesses down there that will sell to anyone with dollars and a pulse. As you know, there is more to the coral business than just slinging colonies fresh out of the box. Again, the old adage that "if something is so easy, everyone would be doing it" rings true.

Be open to new ideas, new vendors, and new opportunties. When you find legitimate people at any level, support them. However, along the way- take care of yourself. Be careful, be vigilant. Be kind, understanding, and supportive of those doing it right.

Today’s tale of commerce and caution.

Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman
Unique Corals

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Nov 23, 2006
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Good read Scott =)
Thanks...Really stuff we already should know, but I'm amazed at the frequency with which honest and eager reefers fall pray to these losers...There are so many good vendors and hobbyists out there, it's a shame that a few small apples get the bad press...



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Nice read as always. Look forward to your rants and inside knowledge of the hobby. keep em coming.


FX CharityCorals

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Ill say it. There are a lot of good sellers on facebook, but that is where the crooks hang out. They just change their screen name. There has been alot of ripping people off right now going on facebook. It's a shame. It also tells me that corals right now are in a "bubble" Everyone is trying to get theirs. So as a warning to hobbyists stick with well known people on facebook ask some groups who to trust and not too. Or better yet stick with your vendors that are sponsors on these forums. We are paying a to be in front of you. We do not want our money or our name to go to waste so the odds are much more in your favor purchasing from legit sponsors.


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Excellently said. I've only been in the coral/marine world for a few years, so my experience is limited. However like you said, these "businesses" pop up almost all over. I have seen the numerous varieties of coral/sw selling offline. From walking into a bedroom to see one of the most beautiful reefs I've seen in person to walking into a dank basement going "am I going to be on the news tomorrow?". Of course, I exaggerate, but I think you are more focused on the people that setup the huge frag system and sell sell sell sell and wait, do you have a display tank? oh, yeah, it's right here.... um, that's your frag tank...

When I got done reading your post, this saying popped in my head. You get what you pay for. Now, I'm not talking about giving your buddy down the street 20 bucks of his "brand name coral he paid top dollar for" and then the guy ends up giving you 3 corals cause you came and talked reef for an hour while your wife is texting you "um, how long does it take to pick up a coral?".... back on topic, what is that coral? WOW! ooohhh, look at that! I'm distracted easily.

This is a hobby that has brackish waters with vendors. The age of the internet is evolving the word "vendor" and I hope it get's better, no wait, it will get better... how? With hard work and good connections (if you're lucky) but mainly hard work, like everything else in life.

That being said, my favorite coral is my space invader pectina from the beautiful bedroom reef (that I hope someday I can achieve half of what he has achieved). :)


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"Now, I’m certainly not the consumer protection guy for the reef hobby, and I’m not the expert on everything related to coral commerce in this new era, but I do have an opinion, hear from dozens of coral consumers weekly, and do consider myself a student of this market, and as such, have formulated a few opinions and talking points that might help you get a vibe for the vendor your thinking of working with."

That may be true, but you guys are the benchmark that all other vendors should strive for. Not sucking up, just stating the facts. If everyone had your standards and ethics, we wouldn't have anyone to complain about :)


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"Now, I’m certainly not the consumer protection guy for the reef hobby, and I’m not the expert on everything related to coral commerce in this new era, but I do have an opinion, hear from dozens of coral consumers weekly, and do consider myself a student of this market, and as such, have formulated a few opinions and talking points that might help you get a vibe for the vendor your thinking of working with."

That may be true, but you guys are the benchmark that all other vendors should strive for. Not sucking up, just stating the facts. If everyone had your standards and ethics, we wouldn't have anyone to complain about :)

Very nice compliments, but seriously, we are just one of many vendors who embrace these values. Most vendors will bend over backwards to do it's the occasional "bad apples" who stand out and give our industry a black eye, IMHO.


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"Ripoff artists hurt the people who protect us. Like it or not".

As a veteran and active service member, and a customer, I appreciate you recognizing all off us.
Thank you very much.


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Good Coral isn't Cheap, Cheap coral isn't good (from experience)
you dont have any good lcal vendors or hobbyists than.
good coral doesnt have to be, and shouldnt always be expensive.
I got a 6"+ colony of $500 efflo from a local reefer for less than $100........ and by your logic that must not be a good coral lol


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This thread was created by someone who is no longer active at Unique Corals and is coming up on one year old guys... Anyway, I agree with ya GlassMunky, there are plenty of good deals out there to be had on nice quality corals but when dealing with online only vendors you really need to be careful. The deal you're talking about is from a local reefer so apples and oranges there...the article is talking about online only vendors.

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  • No care at all! Bring it on!

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