Hydrogen Peroxide Bench-testing

Pros: great detailed info
Cons: bleach concentrations tested are a far higher level than used for sterilization by just about anyone.
great info on peroxide use. goes into the DO results from adding h202 with or without algae present and the resultant DO. help clarify usefulness of h202 in aquariums
Pros: Clear-cut, well researched, concise.
Cons: None
Thanks for this great article - I'd be interested in your opinion of the oxydator - which is touted (and I use) as an excellent piece of equipment for a variety of reasons (algae, etc).
Pros: Clear, concise, and informative.
Cons: None
As always, Jay, your write-ups are clear, concise, and informative. Very much appreciate your efforts to provide the reef-keeping community with relevant literature.