Usage for hash tag: NMTrue

  1. Blitz7737

    First Tank -- Best Advice

    WHOOOOO, #NMTrue! Hello from ABQ! That is a good one too. Laxed on a water change by a few days once and it was an anxious week! Since then, always keeping up with the duties. Definitely good advice, the smallest amount of love and care goes a long way.
  2. Blitz7737

    Why its easier to grow sps in a fishbowl than in a normal reef tank

    Awesome! Be safe out there! #NMTrue Your little reef is awesome too. What do you use for fish cam? I'm starting to research a similar option. Debating getting Mr. Bubbles a live stream on twitch for whenever I wanna check on it at work and that way my partner always has a way to enjoy it too. Lol.