Usage for hash tag: Reefguppies

  1. The guppy guru

    Want to know a little brackish secret.

    ...the previous time span of six months. Casualties are very low and in the begging batch there are so far, no Casualties. In fact they started breeding in the containment unit. This was great seeing as they are healthy and for the most part happy. But I can't read minds so I'm assuming...
  2. The guppy guru

    Want to know a little brackish secret.

    ...thing has not been going to plan I have at times seen so many dead guppies that I begin to feel really bad. because they didn't decide to be a part of this project, they were selected by chance. I will continue to update you all on this have a good day and remember, Happy Reefing. #Reefguppies
  3. The guppy guru

    Want to know a little brackish secret.

    ...try this as well. My plan is to eventually purchase a facility and begin breeding saltwater guppies on a larger scale, but I still haven't finished the test runs yet so it'll be a while before that happens. Thanks for your constant support have a good day and remember, Happy Reefing. #Reefguppies
  4. The guppy guru

    Want to know a little brackish secret.

    ...should be avoided because they will most definitely bully the guppies. So that is it the guppy saltwater acclimation guide, I hope all of you find this useful, If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to ask me or other people. Thanks and remember, Happy Reefing. #Reefguppies
  5. The guppy guru

    Want to know a little brackish secret.

    if you like what I do, then use the #Reefguppies to show you like the idea. Thank and remember, Happy Reefing