Usage for hash tag: reeftankgear

  1. ReefStash

    Build Thread ReefStache CADE frag build - CADE Aquariums Reef S2/F 1200

    Lots of GEAR is in for the new build! The DALUA Ecosystem is in full effect! DALUA Ecosystem: LIGHTING - 2 X Illumagic X4 Reef Pro LEDs plus 2x Illumagic 4’ Vitamini Super Actinics & rail mount system RETURN PUMP - Great White DC 2,000 GPH WAVE MAKERS - 2 X Great White 3,900 GPH...
  2. ReefStash

    Recommended Reef Tank products/gear

    ...aquariums: Be sure to view the “Idea Lists” which include products specific to topics like, fragging coral, water changes, aquarium LED background, improving your fish tank photography and more! #reefstache #reeftankgear #aquariumproducts aquarium