baby shark

  1. joe_sharkk

    Help ID shark

    Hello! I was about to bring home a baby bamboo shark my LFS ordered for me. I’ve worked with them many times before, and so this baby looked a little odd to me. They say it’s a brown banded bamboo shark… but at this size (like 7 inches) they’re usually much darker striped. Also the head seems...
  2. TidalReefer

    California Live Goods Epaulette Shark pup (8-9 inches) $650

    Ready to rehome this epaulette pup $650 . Eats squid and why meaty foods like a pig! Finally looking to outgrow my tank want to rehome to a bigger tank so he's happy
  3. TidalReefer

    California Live Goods Epaulette Shark pup (8-9 inches) $650

    Ready to rehome this epaulette pup $650 . Eats squid and why meaty foods like a pig! Finally looking to outgrow my tank want to rehome to a bigger tank so he's happy
  4. brayden2980

    Baby bamboo shark hatched with yolk

    Hello, I hatched a baby bamboo shark approximately two weeks ago and it had a very small amount of yolk still attached to him. He’s doing great and very active. The yolk is no longer visible but the cord that attached to the yolk still is, should I feed him now or wait until that disappears as...
  5. J

    Baby bamboo shark

    Hi guys, I have a baby bamboo shark that will be a week old tomorrow, I got him to eat tonight, while I have tried ghost shrimp for the past 4 days today he took to the frozen shrimp, I was beyond excited that he ate for me but I have two question. 1. is it normal for them to sit after they...
  6. J


    Ok so i have a shark egg i have hatched one in the past and got him eating after weeks of no eating i read that if you feed him before he has used up all of his yolk he will die and i waited for my first one now i am trying to decide after tbis one has no yolk sack do i eait for him to poop...
  7. morgan_jAq

    Baby Shark Refusing to eat

    Hey! I have a banded cat shark that hatched around three weeks ago. When she hatched she still had a bit of yolk so I wasn't concerned about her eating, but now her yolk has been dissolved for over two and a half weeks and she shows absolutely no interest in eating. Ive tried krill, silversides...