
  1. Mavsaltwater

    Stocked up!

    Hey everyone, so I finally (almost) finished stocking my tank! Very very happy everyone is getting along - I currently have: - 2 clowns - 3 banggai cardinals - 1 royal gramma - 1 Midas Blenny - 1 fireshrimp - few snails and hermit crab as CUC I want to get one more fish - just for a pop of...
  2. G

    Are Green and blue chromis compatible?

    So the answer is almost definitely no, but im stoll curious for a definite answer. So my question. Would a blue and green chromis school together? I mean like i get why they wouldnt, because theyre different species, however they are both chromis so there is a chance they would. Even if they...
  3. TheStripedHermit

    EMERGENCY Chromis is unable to swallow any food

    In qurantine tank all the parameters are fine but the chromis can't swallow any of the brine shrimp that I feed it today. For the past 1½ weeks it was barely able to eat any of it, going on and off on it's ability to swallow but when it did it would only eat about 4 or 5 pieces at best...
  4. BigTex1836

    Stocking plan for 140ga DT with 34ga Sump

    I have a bare bottom 140 gallon tank, 48.5”x24.5”x29.5”. I have been cycling for a month, and parameters have stabilized. I think we are almost ready to start slowly stocking. This is eventually going to be a sps dominant reef tanks, so everything needs to be reef-safe. What are the thoughts...