cloudy eyes

  1. C

    Engineered goby covered in white

    My engineered goby was living in hus own tank for the last 3+ months until my husband decided to add 2 new moorish idols to his tank. Both idols died within a few days. About 2 weeks later (today), I went to feed the goby while husband updates the DT and find him COVERED in white with "rot"...
  2. K

    Hello Sick lion fish

    My lion fish hasn’t eaten for a week, only stays vertical, and his eyes are clouded and one is bulging. Help!!!
  3. Kiorayla

    Orbiculate Batfish with Cloudy Eyes

    Good Evening! My dad has been running is Marine tank again for just over 2 years now! I help him a lot with the tank, I have noticed that the batfish he is keeping has really cloudy eye on the Left side and a little cloudy on the Right. The fish are currently undergoing quarantine as his...
  4. W

    Clown Tang Suffering

    Does anyone have an idea what is going on with my clown tang? One eye is fogged over and the left side of the fish is getting gross.
  5. Jessicaray94

    Tang has cloudy eyes, white specks all over & has white stringy poop

    Help!!! My zebra tang has white stringy poop that looks like worms, has cloudy eyes & has white specks all over its body, almost looks like a film is covering his body. Anyone know what kind of sickness/parasite he could have? & how can I treat him & possibly the entire tank? Attached is a...
  6. Ferrell

    Lyretail Anthias and QT

    Received my 3 lyretail from LA last week 2 F 1M. Acclimated and put in QT was th no meds to observe til eating well. Male died after day one and now females are eating like pigs. One however is hiding with my tank qt resident YWG who wasn’t being treated well by my lawnmower Blenny. Long story...
  7. R

    ClownFish in Very Rough Shape

    (please dont hate if this is in the wrong section I wasn't sure where to put it) so I got this clown by accident (long story) and after a a day it developed clouded eyes, I think this was because the 2 clowns already in my system were bullying it. so I moved the clown into qt and started...