
  1. A

    Substitute for ChaetoGro/Chaeto grow?

    Hi everyone! Wanted to ask what would be good substitute for ChaetoGro in macroalgae tank? I am located in Europe (Croatia) and can't get hold of Brightwells ChaetoGro nor Continuum Chaeto grow.
  2. Erik the Red

    Macroalgae - EU availability/shops

    Hello, I’m realising a gorgonian tank and macroalgae would suit in just perfect. I haven’t found any EU shop that sells them (excluding UK due to Brexit). Coralaxy currently has only one type of macroalgae, but thats all I could find. Can anyone help me? Cheers
  3. Erik the Red

    Quarantine with European available medications

    Hello, I’ve recently bought a midas blenny, a gramma loreto, a Banggai cardinalfish and a clown goby. Fishes have been doing well for about 3/4 weeks until now, and I can’t see any sign of disease so far. Apart from the clown goby, which likely suffered a prolonged shipment time and perished...
  4. dagerob

    Was told in an Austrian LFS a 32g Fluval Flex would be too small for a pair of clownfish

    Hi! Thanks for reading this! I wanted to post this because I found it strange and wanted to know if European, more specific German and Austrian, people in general think this. I moved from other country to Austria and after two years I decided I wanted to start again with a saltwater...
  5. MnFish1

    FYI - availablity of antibiotics in Europe.

    So everyone - in Europe - you should be able to get any medication you want - with a prescription for that medication from a veterinarian. It might be more expensive - or they might take pity on you - and give you some tablets. There is no such thing as 'this medication is not available...
  6. Muffin87

    Creation of European club under the "Global Reef Club Discussion"

    Who should I ask permission to start a European Club? I've noticed there's quite a bit of Europeans here. It'd be interesting to create a European Club under the Global Reef Clubs umbrella. A "European club" badge on user profiles would be useful too, so Europeans can recognise each other when...
  7. Erik the Red

    Berghia shop in Europe?!

    Hi everyone, do you know a reliable shop for buying Berghia nudibranch here in Europe? Apparently it’s really hard to buy them, at the moment… i have a bad infestation of aiptasia, due to neglecting my tank in the last couple of months, and i need to get back on track. I’m tempted, as an...
  8. SyssyHUN

    Need Some advices on my LED light

    Hello :) I am new in this hobby and struggling with light setup. My aquarium size is 120x40x50. I had a giesmann T5 8x39W which was getting my aquarium crazy so I swapped to LED. I have now a noname DIY saltwater LED light fixture from a guy who made some already and he had good growth of...
  9. L

    Looking for new zoas EU

    Hello evryone I looking for someone in euro who have some rare zoas for sell or for swap, im from Poland and i have few polyps for swap... 1 ompa lompa 2 Red hornet 3 fruit loops $ 4 rainbow hornet 5 iluminati 6 fake halucination 7 space chaos 8 sunburst kh 9 yoda 10 aoi 11 12 14 little...
  10. Z

    OG bounce, rare mushrooms in Europe

    Hello, I've been looking for some rare mushrooms for a long time, such as OG bounce, discosoma jawbreaker, etc. Outside Europe, these beautiful corals are often offered, but nothing in Europe. I am from the Czech Republic and I would like to order this beautiful coral. In good weather, the coral...
  11. EuroDan

    No RO/DI in Europe?

    Hello Reef Friends, As I have been working on my build plan and budget I have discovered that RO/DI systems are not sold in Europe. From my LFS to online sites there are lots of RO systems, but no RO/DI. When I do find them, they are very expensive imports from the US. I looked into some water...
  12. L

    search zoas for Europe (Germany)

    Hello, I am looking for someone who sells / ships Zoas to Europe(Germany) Whether a company or a private person. Search different types. Tanks and Kind regards
  13. markbroda

    Small frags in search

    Hi everyone. Due to that my country is not so common in saltwater tanks fish and corals, are very hard to find 2nd hand coral frags. My aio cube is 2 months ols and i am looking for small frags in hungary or anywhere close from nice people just to start my whole system with own grown frags...
  14. Darsh

    Build Thread My DIY/Ghetto/cheap build

    So a quick back story… I’ve been out of the saltwater hobby and actually completely tankless for about 6 years. I sold my tanks when I left my home country of Ireland to live in Poland. The itch starting to come back and I finally decided I NEED A TANK!! After spending a lot of money in the...