

    New build fijicube 38 peninsula pro series

    New build I'm trying to put together to upgrade from my fluval 13.5 I'm trying to get this setup for as little as possible soft and easy lps only what do you think ? Any idea feel free Fijicube pro 38 peninsula bought open box $450 from brs Fluval marine sea 3.0 ended up getting it free with...
  2. RichReef

    Build Thread Finally. It's happening. Fiji Cube 81 EXT.

    Back story... Four years ago my AGA 90 Gallon 36x24 tank crashed. Spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to track the problem. Some things were living fine others just died off. All inverts died except for pulsing Xenia and a few Acans. Started a renovation on our TV room where the tank...

    Hello My Nano's

    Hello, I'm John been in the hobby for over 20 years on and off. Currently have 3 Nano's going. About to have a 4th. My tanks are 20 gallon Innovative marine, 15 gallon waterbox(under construction) 10 gallon fijicube and a 10 gallon waterbox clear mini. Looking forward to sharing an learning
  4. B

    Hello Freshwater convert looking for tank pics of Fiji Cube

    Hey everyone, So after a month of research I think I've landed on the tank I want to jump into this with. I'm currently stuck on the Fiji Cube 38g AIO Peninsula tank, but I'm having trouble finding other reefers using that tank. Anyone got some pics they can share of their set up? Interested...
  5. lostinreef

    Build Thread Restarting the SCA 100g. Bare bottom / Sps dominated

    Hey all, going to start documenting the restart of my SCA 100g tank. My goal is to create a thriving bare bottom sps only tank. Started the cycle on 12/5 added Dr Tims Ammonia raised to .5 ppm and seeded the tank with "one and Only" and "Waste Away" TANK 100G SCA AQUARIUM Display dims 48x24x20...
  6. GnarcoticFiend

    Refugium in return chamber?

    Hey, I recently bought a fiji cube aio 22.4 gal and was wondering if I could run a refugium in my return pump chamber? I’d like to run filter media in the first chamber. I would also like to run bio media, a skimmer and a heater in the middle chamber so that doesn’t leave me with much room left...
  7. Algaewarrior

    Build Thread Fijicube 38 gallon peninsula

    So I'm already quite far into this build but I wanted to document what I've done and the process it took to get me where I am and show where I am going. It all started with a stimulus check. My girlfriend agreed that I could get my own tank. I got her a biocube 32 for Christmas a few years ago...