Back story...
Four years ago my AGA 90 Gallon 36x24 tank crashed. Spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to track the problem. Some things were living fine others just died off. All inverts died except for pulsing Xenia and a few Acans.
Started a renovation on our TV room where the tank was. I took down the 90 and set up a temporary 55 Gallon in my basement and moved all the live stock that was left. The problem followed.
While visiting Petco I saw a refractometer for sale. It was 30 bucks so I bought it. Tested my water. 1.035!! I tested it again, and again. Same results. Started removing water and letting the ATO top off. With in a few days the change was dramatic. I finally found the problem. My TM Hydrometer. I felt so terrible that I could be so irresponsible by not double checking my salinity. The losses were huge. Live stock and money wasted on chasing an invisible problem.
For reference the livestock that can handle high salinity were Acans, Xenia, Yellow tangs, Starry Blenny, Green Chormis, Pistol Shrimp, Yellow Watchman, and pods.
So now that renovation is finished it's time to get back on track.
This is my new Fiji Cube 81 EXT unpacking.
Transporting it home.
I have decided to use my AGA stand. It's very sturdy but needs modified for a rimless and some cosmetic work.
More to come.
Four years ago my AGA 90 Gallon 36x24 tank crashed. Spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to track the problem. Some things were living fine others just died off. All inverts died except for pulsing Xenia and a few Acans.
Started a renovation on our TV room where the tank was. I took down the 90 and set up a temporary 55 Gallon in my basement and moved all the live stock that was left. The problem followed.
While visiting Petco I saw a refractometer for sale. It was 30 bucks so I bought it. Tested my water. 1.035!! I tested it again, and again. Same results. Started removing water and letting the ATO top off. With in a few days the change was dramatic. I finally found the problem. My TM Hydrometer. I felt so terrible that I could be so irresponsible by not double checking my salinity. The losses were huge. Live stock and money wasted on chasing an invisible problem.
For reference the livestock that can handle high salinity were Acans, Xenia, Yellow tangs, Starry Blenny, Green Chormis, Pistol Shrimp, Yellow Watchman, and pods.
So now that renovation is finished it's time to get back on track.
This is my new Fiji Cube 81 EXT unpacking.
Transporting it home.
I have decided to use my AGA stand. It's very sturdy but needs modified for a rimless and some cosmetic work.
More to come.