
  1. S

    Is my scallop on his death bed?

    I’ve had this guy for just under a month i believe and I’m worried about him. Just in the last few days his tissue seems like it’s retracting, I’m worried hes not looking good. What do you guys think? I got him some phytoplankton but I’m not sure how to tell if he’s eating
  2. Dalton Hunter

    Flame Scallop Experience

    Just curious to know who long people have been able to get flame scallops to live in their tanks. I currently have a red flame and an electric red flame scallop that has been in the tank for a year now. I was told to only expect them to live 6 months or less.
  3. Dalton Hunter

    Flame scallops

    Just curious to know who long people have been able to get flame scallops to live in their tanks. I currently have a red flame and an electric red flame scallop that has been in the tank for a year now. I was told to only expect them to live 6 months or less.