
  1. G

    EMERGENCY Grouper and trigger seem to have ich

    My triggerfish looks to have ich on him and my grouper Keeps rubbing himself on the sand do they have ich
  2. G

    Grouper rubbing on sand

    My grouper has been rubbing himself on the sand and he has been eating quite well also he has this mark I thought at first was just his coloring it’s not identical to the other side hes hard to tell I was thinking the temperature because I have a glass lid heat gets trapped so it gets hot like...
  3. G

    Grouper with ich

    I was lookign at my flagtail grouper and he seems to keep rubbing his body on the sand I can’t tell if he’s got ich or not his fins don’t look like theirs rot it’s hard to see the white spots because he has white spots on him so I don’t know if it’s behavior or if he’s got ich here’s a picture...
  4. G

    Starfish not able to eat

    I’m trying to feed my chocolate chip starfish but the grouper keeps stealing all the food before the starfish can get it any ideas how I can get him to stop stealing it
  5. G

    75 stocking

    I’m cycling my 75 right now and trying to think of a stocking it is a Fowlr and I was thinking of a predator stocking it’s got a skimmer and filter by the way the filter is 525 gph and the skimmer I think is 211 but I was thinking a vtail grouper and a snowflake eel and a shortfin lionfish I’ve...
  6. G


    I wanted to get a grouper for my 75 gallon so far I found a clown grouper and a blue tip short fin grouper what other groupers could I get in a 75 gallon
  7. Lil Puff

    Agrresive Fish Tank Stocking/Compatible Fish

    I am looking at stocking my tank I currently have a Lunare Wrasse/Moon Wrasse and a Long Spine Puffer. I am looking at getting a snowflake eel, clown trigger, and a miniatus grouper to go with the wrasse and puffer. Are these fish able to be housed together or are there any recommended fish to...