
  1. M

    Green Algae on live rocks

    Hi.. I have biocube 32 gallon tank for more thank 1 year. For last few days it started growing green hair like thing and it's growing fast all over my live rocks. Can I get rid of old rocks and add new live rocks with the fish still in the tank (clown & chromis) ? Please help.
  2. leotigris

    Is this cyno? How do I get rid?

    Hello Reefers, I’ve got this red carpet like thing taking over my tanks (see pics). It started off brown so I got a Mexican Turbo Snail which seemed to be doing a good job. Now it’s turned to a red carpet and some parts have really long green grass type things growing. Not sure what it is...
  3. Kacor13

    White Little Hair Like Growth on Rock

    anyone know if this is good or bad. See hairy thing on left side. That’s the longest one / most noticeable in a picture. The rest are really small and more noticeable in a video. I’ve had my tank for about 1.5 months.
  4. G

    Help me identify whats on my Torch

    So if you all can see on the photo- these tiny hair-like attached on the corals body/stem. I reAlly don’t know what they are. Please help. Thanks!