help cycle

  1. JSkeleton

    Need Cycling Help/Clarification (Will Post Updates In This Thread)

    I apologize for all the cycling questions and threads, I will just update this one from here on out and lay out the entire information below. As of today though (September 3) I've had 0 Ammonia for a few days and stuck at around 5.0 Nitrites for like a week and unsure what to do as it seems I...
  2. 1

    New Reef Help

    I got a 20 gallon tank two weeks ago with pink figi sand and live rock I tested 2 days later and my ammonea was at .5 a few days went on at .5 and around a week my ammonea dropped to 0 and nitrites were at .25 and nitrates at 5, Iv been putting in frozen mysis everother day and at around a...