
  1. Reef Management LLC

    Interceptor help

    So I'm looking to dose my grow out and qt tanks as precautionary for white bug/red and black bugs with interceptor. I currently have interceptor plus 23 MG milbemycin + 229 MG praziquantel 50 to 100 pound Is this correct and what is dosage??? Also where can I get more without script I'm in...
  2. xmrbob941

    Interceptor treatment

    So I dosed my whole tank with interceptor. An I’ve done in total over a course of a 2 weeks 50% water change. Should I continue with regular waterchanges till 100?, given my nutrient levels allow it. Or is it safe to add back hermits for clean up crew
  3. S

    Interceptor treatment upcoming: Can I pull my macroalgae to salvage some pods?

    I will admit up front that I have been unable to find and ID specifically which bug (white/black/red) I am going after. Each time I dip frags & colonies, I kill dozens and dozens of what look to be different sized (shrimp shaped) pods. Nothing that looks quite like tegastes. I've read several...
  4. Jettareefer223

    Build Thread "Picking up the pieces" Jettareefer’s SPS dominated Planet Tideline revival/overhaul (Photo heavy/Progression)

    *If you’re not down for a detailed long winded thread I would skip the novel go straight down for pictures/specs lol. As a primer and or disclaimer I’m going to be overly detailed and ramble. This will serve as my build thread share my struggles and progress of my tank. Currently in the process...
  5. kennedpa

    Parasitic pods

    If you have parasitic pods PM me. Ivermectin IV is available from TSC for 45$ which will treat 833 gallons. Using as part of my QT protocol and is effective in my hands. Not safe for bristle worms or stomatellas. Mine have died in the QT. I would be willing to ship treatments to you to try...