
  1. david_ma

    Michigan Aquarium Controller Skimmers Dry Goods Royal exclusive skimmer, mp40, mp60, Kessil ap700, Neptune dos, miscellaneous

    Text 313-268-3195 Minimum 200 with free shipping AP700 $250 shipped Mp40 $255 shipped Royal exclusive skimmer $950 shipped Apex wyswyg packs $100 each on leak kit and modules and flow sendors( as packs only) Doser $150 Apex board local $200 Bashsea sump local only $500 Kessil a80 $90 Chiller...
  2. david_ma

    Michigan Misc. Pumps Dosing Dry Goods Mp40, mp60, apex dos, Kessil ap700, a80, royal exclusive skimmer, avast marine, and more

    Text 313-268-3195 ***looking at minimum $200 with free shipping……thank you ********* Mp40 $255 shipped, I only have one Mp60 $455 shipped, I only have one Apex dos $150 shipped, I have 2 Royal exclusive skimmer with controller $900. This is a $2500 skimmer rated for 500g( local due to size)...
  3. david_ma

    Michigan Aquarium Controller Misc. Pumps SOLD Mp40, mp60, gyre 350x2, Kessil ap700, fuge, a80, dos x2, ddr, eb832, what you need?

    Text 313-268-3195 $250 and shipping is free, or cover your shipping Apex Dos $150. I have 2 Mp40 $255. Mp60 $455 Kessil ap700 $250 Apex eb832 $130 Kessil a80 $90 Koemer doser x3 $100 Nyos skimmer 120 new $120 Xl uv pro pond 110w $200 local Maxspect 350x2 plus controller $220 Ton of high end...
  4. david_ma

    Michigan Lighting Misc. Pumps SOLD Ton of equipment, L@@k: mp40,mp60,radions, Neptune apex, dosers, Kessil, xl sumps and more

    Text please , 313-268-3195 Just a ton of equipments to move, bulk deals welcome. **********Looking at minimum orders of $250 with free shipping***++++++*** Neptune apex cor 20 with controller $200 Neptune apex dos $155 each, ( have 3 remaining)1 still new in sealed box $200 sold Apex eb832 $125...
  5. S

    Kessil A360X turns off under high intensity (solved)

    Recently, my A360X was turning itself off at high intensities. I used my multimeter to check the power supply. It was showing 19v output. That's about the extent of my electrical expertise. That being, I decided to send my light to He is great. Diagnosed my light as being just...
  6. mlivvy

    Lighting LED Dry Goods SOLD Kessil Lights- AP9X, Pair of A360x, 3D printed mounts

    Lights are all under 3 years old and in great condition. All leds, fans, work as they should. AP9X. Light only with power supply. No mount. $425 Shipped A360x $215 shipped each. I have 1 extension cable and 1 3D printed diffuser for 1 light for an extra $15. 3D Printed mounts for...
  7. david_ma

    Return Pumps Dry Goods SOLD Syncra 6 dc WiFi return pump with controller, $150 shipped, older non mobius mp40 $180 shipped, Kessil ap700 $265 shipped. Will combine

    You can text 313-268-3195. Please note, the shield on the return pump has a crack, which doesn’t affect it. The mp40 is the older NON quiet drive one.
  8. C

    Lighting Powerheads LED Brand New Kessil 360XE, AI Blades, and More

    Brand new kessil WiFi dongle $75 Reef Brite XHO-X360 Kessil Add On Kit Kessil lighting set including: Kessil 360XE A-Series Hard Mounting Arm Kessil Wi-Fi Dongle 12” AI Blade Grow 12” AI Blade Glow Custom Kessil to Blade Mounting Bracket
  9. david_ma

    Michigan Dry Good Trade Neptune apex sky x2 with shields, more stuff, for your high end Zoas.

    313-268-3195 Have mp40 older model, 2 like new apex sky LEDs with the magnetic shields, apex a3 pro with extras, apex Wi-Fi , for high end zoas
  10. TannerB

    Tennessee Lighting Dry Goods (3) Kessil A360XE Tuna Suns

    Wanted to sell these brand new Kessil A360XE Tuma suns. Only been used a month. Getting out of hobby. Asking $300 a piece. Shoot me offers. Will ship.
  11. TannerB

    Kessil A360XE Tuna Suns (3)

    I have 3 of these lights for sale. Only been used a month. Asking $300 a piece. Will ship.
  12. J

    Colorado Lighting LED Dry Goods SOLD Kessil AP9X + mounting arm

    Kessil AP9X with mounting arm. Used less than a year at 40%. Downsizing tank and no longer need. $550 shipped.
  13. ScottW

    Lighting Misc. Pumps Dry Goods Thinning the hoard - Neptune/Ecotech/Kessil/ETC

    Neptune EB832 x 2 - All outlets work perfect, zero issues 0 LEFT $220 Shipped each to your door. (2 total) Neptune DOS x 3 - They work perfect, 2 of them will come with 2 brand new heads in bag, the 3rd will come with a hand full of heads, all of them work but you will have spares. I will...
  14. bhanko

    Connecticut Lighting Dry Goods Kessil Ap9x $500 shipped

    Used for approximately 1 year on a 12hr schedule. Additional pictures available upon request. Includes hanging kit but new cables may be needed as I cut mine to fit my application.
  15. D

    Indiana SOLD Lifereef Skimmer, Maxspect Gyre, Kessil A80 , RO Varios, and others. See add for pricing

    This is all sold. Thank you to all buyers.
  16. Rob Mathews

    Kessil AP9X's turned off and on an hour early?

    For some reason my set of 4 AP9x's all turned on and off an hour early. Checked the app this am and found only 3 of them were listed. Refreshed the list and all 4 showed up. It is running my schedule (in the app) and they should all be OFF FOR ANOTHER HOUR Except they are on? What the heck...
  17. NaturesVibrancy

    Hygger 30 watts reef LED vs Kessil A80 Tuna Blue Nano LED

    I have a 20 gallon Innovative Marine Fusion AIO (23" long) and mostly plan to keep bubble tip nems and jawbreaker/Eclectus mushrooms. I'm currently using two of my old Evil's PAR38 Lamp - 12k I had stored away which seem to be working pretty well so far for my AZ Sunset BTA, Rainbow BTA, and...
  18. StardustAquatics

    Wisconsin Lighting LED Dry Goods SOLD Kessil AP9x with mount

    I have two Kessil AP9Xs. Both are in very good shape, have only been ran at about 20% for around a year. And still have boxes. I also have the tank mounts to go with them. 575 each or 1100 for both. These prices include the mounts and shipping cost.
  19. naterealbig

    SOLD Kessil Gear | A500X, A360X, A360WE, WiFi Dongles, A-Series Mounts, Spectral X Controller

    *Open for trades or trade + cash for the following Ecotech gear: Ecotech Radion: G4/G5/G6, XR15 or XR30, PRO VERSION ONLY (NO BLUE). Ecotech Vortech: MP10QD or MP40QD Ecotech Versa: Singles or 4-Pack For Sale *Discount offered for multiple items or custom packages. Select the...
  20. naterealbig


  21. vashichino7

    KESSIL A160 for 25GAL nano - good for SPS?

    Hey guys, just ordered my first set of corals zoas, anenome, acans, candy cane and acropora, stylo, and birdsnest. Is this light enough for these? The SPS - acro's, stylo and birdsnest. I see a lot of people saying yes and some people are saying no... any knowledge would be appreciated.
  22. C

    WTB Looking for one more Kessil AP9X

    Does anyone have a used(less than a year). AP9X they want to part with? Thanks in advance
  23. Nano_Tuners

    Colorado Lighting Dry Goods Sold

    Like new A80 Tina Blue and Spectral X controller. Only used about 2mo on low settings, works perfectly. $140 will ship USPS for $14.00 to continental US
  24. Fish Fan

    New York LED SOLD FS: Like-New Kessil a360x Tuna Blue LED Light

    For sale is a Kessil a360x Tuna blue. It's basically an open box, looks and functions just like new. I purchased it but no longer need it, so my loss is your gain. Sells for $450 brand new, and currently AquaCave has an open-box for $404. Asking only $350 for this light, that includes shipping...
  25. Daedalus8311

    Wisconsin Dry Goods SOLD 3x Kessil A500x setups

    I have 3 in excellent condition Kessil A500x each with a wifi dongle included! $480 shipped for each set. Will discount on multiples Ready to ship!