@lou ekus

  1. knockout

    Making the move from 2 part to All for Reef - a reef log

    I'm...going to give All for Reef a try - who is using this product? any notes in usage are appreciated! I am going to go thru the changeover to All for Reef to simplify the dosing regimen below. Understanding that AFR has a metabolic process to raise Alk in the tank and to prevent any Alk...
  2. LRT

    Known effects for UV sterilization effecting PH and All for Reef?

    Kind of perplexed and looking for some knowledge as to what could be happening. Been running All for Reef and UV since I set my tank up. Numbers have been solidly within acceptable ranges. ALK 8-8.5 CAL 350-450 MAG 1350-1450 Ph 8.0- 8.3 through light schedule. Removed UV sterilizer somewhere...
  3. MJV15

    Should I switch from Bacto balance?

    Two part question, I’ve been dosing NP Bacto balance for about 5 months. Im currently dosing 1ml daily and it keeps my phosphate nailed at .03 but it’s darn near impossible to get my nitrate above 0. Ive tried backing off my dose of Bacto Balance. If I dose 1ml every 3 days I can get 1 nitrate...