
  1. BlueWorldJeff

    Quarantine Tank

    I'm trying to use one of my small 3'x 1'x 1' tanks for a quarantine tank. I got a sponge filter to just run in the tank, but the air pump is so loud, I am thinking of other options. Tank: I am actually using one just like this, that has an overflow box in the corner with a 1.5" bulkhead and...
  2. Nfd552

    Carbon reactor and chaeto reactor on same maxi Jet?

    i currently have a two little fish 550 set up with grow lights as a chaeto reactor. I won carbon Rox from Brack on Black Friday so decided to buy a bra deluxe single reactor to run carbon in. Should i be able to run the reactors in line off that one pump ? Or maybe split the outgoing line from...