vodka dosing

  1. Miami Reef

    NEW Vodka and Vinegar Dosing Charts

    The reasons I'm updating the Vinegar and Vodka dosing charts are two-fold: 1. The ramp was unnecessarily slow. There was no perceived benefit to such a tedious ramp, and it led to reefers quitting because they thought carbon dosing didn't work. 2. The ramp did not scale up correctly...
  2. flying4fish

    Switching Carbon Dosing Source

    I've been vodka dosing for a few months. My nitrates went to zero but my phosphates remained around 0.25. I then started dosing nitrates, in hopes that phosphate would begin to drop. In the meantime my alkalinity spiked to 14 (I kept dosing 2-part, not knowing that the carbon dosing would also...
  3. Doctor Faust

    HELP Aquarium Cloudy After Too Much Carbon Dosing. Fish Dying and Worse With Water Change. HELP

    Hello, I am in dire need for some help, and any advice will be appreciated! I dosed carbon (as vodka) last night, but I put way too much. Wayyy too much. I have a 55 gallon with 11 gal sump and a 43 gallon with 10 gallon sump. In the morning I saw that the water was cloudy in both tanks. A...
  4. BonelessEvil

    Algae/Phosphate issues

    My nitrates never go over 5, but my phosphate is around 0.26. I'm having a lot of issues with algae growing around the tank, despite having a Refugium and Chaeto. The chaeto itself looks fine, but is not growing. Perhaps that's because of all the algae that is in the tank itself. I do...
  5. DirtDiggler2823

    Vodka vs Vinegar vs DIY NOPOX

    I'm currently on my 3rd week of dosing vodka to reduce nitrates in my tank, when I remember that I stumbled upon a couple of DIY NOPOX recipes that mix vodka, vinegar, and rodi water (sometimes). What are the benefits, if any, to dosing the DIY NOPOX vs the vodka I'm currently using?
  6. lonewonderer

    Large Build FOWLR Brown Algae

    Hello guys, Need some advice here. I have a 240 FOWLR with about 15 fishes in there. I have some brown algae growing on the tank not much but its annoying and I'm wondering what else should i do to eradicate it. I do vodka dosing and I'm at 8ml/day. I use 3 cups of phosban and replace it every 2...